Technopark “Idea” participates in the Russia Open Source IT Summit in Kazan

29 april 2022

Today, Oleg Ibragimov, CEO of the Technopark “Idea”, took part in the plenary session “IT Project Support Ecosystem” within the framework of the Russia Open Source IT Summit.

The IT Summit is a new business platform where big business, government, IT companies and developers of domestic software will meet to discuss the present and future of the IT industry in general and OSS solutions in particular.

The organizers of the event emphasize that the demand for Open Source in Russia is growing — according to analysts, in 4 years more than 90% of domestic companies will use open source software. At the same time, most of the consumers are technology customers. This opens up opportunities for the development and monetization of OSS solutions.

102 million rubles were allocated in 2021, as part of the support of startups in the field of IT carried out in Tatarstan by the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE). This was told by the regional representative of FASIE, CEO of the Technopark “Idea” Oleg Ibragimov. A year earlier, in 2020, 68 million rubles were attracted to the republic under grant programmes.

Oleg Ibragimov paid special attention in the range of FASIE programmes to the programmes “UMNIK” and “Student Startup”, aimed at young people from 18 years old. Under these programmes, young entrepreneurs can receive 500 thousand and 1 million rubles per year, respectively.

The experience of Tatarstan in the development of IT projects involving grants from FASIE is quite rich. In particular, considering the range of the FASIE programmes, Oleg Ibragimov noted that under the programme “Start-1”, about 45 million rubles were attracted for the development of IT projects in 2021, and another 3 million rubles were attracted under the programme “Start-2”.

The programmes “Development” and “Commercialization” were the record holders of the previous year in terms of the amount of grants attracted from the FASIE to the republic. According to it, 290 and 410 million rubles were allocated to support IT companies, respectively.

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