“Nanograd” is traveling around the country

6 august 2020

Every year “Nanograd” travels around our country and lands in different regions. In 2020, the vacation program is being implemented not in one, but in several realities and many cities at once. 15 regional “Nanograds” will take place by the end of 2020, and a result of this marathon will be summed up in December in St. Petersburg.

About 800 schoolchildren from different cities of Russia will get acquainted with the world of high technologies and technological entrepreneurship. The main task of the guys will be to solve business cases taken from the real practice of partner organizations. The educational program includes a video lecture from CEO of the Technopark “Idea” Oleg Ibragimov.

Cases of 2020 are dedicated to the contribution of domestic science and business to solving urgent problems of organizing public life in the context of a pandemic.

A special program has been prepared by the Academy of Nanograd, which this year will be held in a face-to-face and distance format. All participants will have access to lectures by renowned scientists and business figures, young scientists and popularizers, as well as interactive courses on the Digital Nanograd platform.

A training program for teachers is also planned in parallel with the program for schoolchildren in the regions. In addition, all organizers of regional Nanograds will undergo 2-days training during the preparation stage.

The first regional Nanograd will take place in early August in Rostov-on-Don on the basis of school No. 100 with the assistance of the Rostov Regional Resource Centre of the School League. Also this year, regional Nanograds will be hosted by Moscow, Leningrad, Belgorod regions, Yelets, Surgut, Khanty-Mansiysk, Saint Petersburg, Perm, Tolyatti, Novokuznetsk, Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk.

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