New opportunities for the development of your business from European partners

24 september 2020

Opportunity Description

Up to 5 selected companies will have 5 minutes for their pitch, during which companies are expected to outline their vision and value proposition, their target market, the solution, business model (including revenue model), traction and validation of the business and of course, what they are looking for in terms of investments. After each pitch, a dynamic Q&A session directly with investors will take place.

Selection procedure

The selection process will be conducted by EBAN’s jury members from their ‘Scaleup of the month’ initiative, who will review and select successful applications based on the above-mentioned eligibility criteria. Due to high volumes of application, feedback may not be available.

Eligibility criteria

This initiative is for you if you are a company which:

  • Is supported by an EBN member

  • Is legally incorporated

  • Demonstrated potential to scale

  • Raised a seed round (at least 200K€ in the past 3 years, excluding grants and own investment)

  • Management team installed

  • Loking to raise between 1 and 5 million Euros

Application process

Companies that fill in all the above eligibility criteria should apply on the “Startup Includer platform” – link and upload a pitch deck on no more than 15 slides (ideally 7 – 1), as well as an executive summary in English. Please make sure that your properly highlight:

  • The typology of your company according to the above highlighted sectors

  • Your product / service and the targeted market must be clearly explained: development stage, customer value proposition and validation, intellectual property rights

  • Management: covering the skills and experience of the CEO, main management team (CSO, CFO, COO, HR) and management board

  • Market and business: business model and distribution; go to market strategy

  • Competition: competitive positioning and differentiation

  • Investment: cash flow position until series A funding, financial soundness and attractiveness, amount sough and intended use

  • One slide dedicated to the market opportunity

Startup Includer application:

Application deadline: 23 October 2020

Register for upcoming Mondays for Innovation session23 - November 

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