The Governor of Perm Territory Dmitry Makhonin visited the Technopark “Idea”

24 january 2022

The Governor of Perm Territory Dmitry Makhonin got acquainted with a history of creation and the peculiarities of the activity of the Technopark “Idea” and its resident companies today. He visited the Technopark as part of a working visit to Tatarstan. The guest was accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Vasil Shaikhraziev.

Oleg Ibragimov, CEO of the Technopark “Idea”, told the Governor about the activities of resident companies and their clients. Thus, over the 15 years of the Idea’s work, more than 8,500 jobs have been created on its site and about 550 resident companies have been localized. The Technopark residents are the largest in the medical and robotics clusters of Skolkovo. Being the representative office of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE) in Tatarstan, Technopark “Idea” actively supports innovative business throughout Tatarstan, advising companies when applying for federal programmes and competitions. Through the FASIE, Tatarstan entrepreneurs won grants of 843 million rubles only in 2021.

Dmitry Makhonin saw a production of high-tech medical simulators directly at the company “Eidos-Medicine”. The Governor was told that this is the only company of this profile in the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union and the fifth in the world. On its basis, more than 20 types of educational medical simulators that meet modern educational standards have been successfully implemented.

The company “Eidos-Medicine” is the resident of the Technopark “Idea” and a member of the Biological and Medical Technologies Cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation. The level of localization of production is 95%, which allows to fully control the entire process. At the same time, the prices for the products of the company “Eidos-Medicine” are 1.5 – 2 times lower compared to foreign analogues, while ensuring quality that is not inferior to leading foreign manufacturers.

Eidos-Medicine simulators are installed in simulation centres in Russia, the USA, Europe, Japan, the Middle East and North Africa.

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