Competitions of aircraft modelers-schoolchildren were held in Kazan

24 february 2022

February 23rd, Defender of the Fatherland Day, the 42nd Open city competitions of aircraft modelers-schoolchildren on indoor flying models for the V.P. Chkalov Cup, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of KAI, was held on the basis of the cultural and sports complex “KAI-OLYMP”. Young aircraft modelers, who are in love with aviation, from various educational institutions of Kazan and districts of the Republic of Tatarstan came to participate in the competitions for the Chkalov Cup. The list of participants is extensive – 16 teams from 15 institutions.

The guys from the aircraft and ship modeling centre of the Technopark “Idea” performed in various nominations, for example, in the nomination “radio-controlled models of the F3P class”, “electric model”, etc. As a result, our team became the fifth in the overall standings.

The event was organized by the City Centre for Children’s Technical Creativity named after Valery Chkalov, supported by the Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N.Tupolev – KAI.

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