Young scientists and representatives of creative industries can receive 1 million rubles for a project implementation

17 march 2022

Technopark “Idea” will consult young Tatarstan residents and tell them how to get 1 million rubles for the development of a project. A free online seminar dedicated to a programme “Student Startup” from the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE) will be held on March 23, 2022 at 3:00 pm.

The programme “Student Startup” is a grant support for students’ startup projects. Within the framework of the competition in 2022, 1,000 winners will be determined in Russia, who will receive 1 million rubles each for the development of their project.

An application for the competition can be submitted by university students who are ready to develop a new product, technology or service based on their ideas.

Applications for the competition are accepted until April 11, 2022 on the contest page:

The competition is held in seven thematic areas:

Н1.  Digital technologies;

Н2.  Medicine and health-saving technologies;

Н3.  Chemical technologies and new materials;

Н4.  New devices and intelligent manufacturing technologies;

Н5.  Biotechnologies;

Н6.  Resource-saving energy;

Н7.  Creative industries.

Registration for the seminar:

To clarify the details about the contest: +7 (843) 570-68-50 (ext. 93-41)

The competition is held by the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises within the framework of a federal project “Platform of University Technological Entrepreneurship”.

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