“Gazprom LNG Technologies” and Technopark “Idea” start a joint project

19 april 2022

Today, within the framework of the Tatarstan International Forum on Energy and Energy Resource Efficiency, Technopark “Idea” and “Gazprom LNG Technologies” have signed an agreement on cooperation on the project of creating an Industrial Park for cryogenic technologies in Tatarstan.

The project involves the organization and development of infrastructure that ensures the production of components, assemblies and aggregates to provide users with liquefied natural gas. It will be implemented with the participation of specialized industrial enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as small and medium-sized businesses of this segment.

To date, the universities of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan do not have enough training programmes for specialists in the field of cryogenic technologies, which causes their shortage in this area. Taking into account this fact, within the framework of the emerging technopark, it is planned to organize a Competence Centre for the training and retraining of relevant specialists, through the formation of special educational programmes with the participation of leading specialists of industrial enterprises.

Within the framework of the agreement signed by Technopark “Idea” and “Gazprom LNG Technologies”, a project development concept and a roadmap will be developed, terms of reference and requirements for its infrastructure will be formulated.

Taking into account the urgency of the production and use of liquefied natural gas, as well as the creation of specialized infrastructure, the implementation of the industrial park project may take place in the near future.

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