Technopark “Idea” will define the best robotics

28 may 2013

The Republican Robotics Festival will be held at Technopark “Idea” on the 31st of May, 2013, at 9:00 a.m. The Festival, an interactive program for the younger generation, is focused on raising their interest in the high technologies. The contest, organized by Technopark “Idea”, has been held since 2011. During this period the Contest was attended by more than 200 schoolchildren from different regions of the Republic.

About 20 school teams from Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny and Nizhnekamsk will contend for a victory in the Festival.

As part of the Contest the schoolchildren are to assemble, program and debug the robot so that they will be able to pass the route more quickly and without pulling off the road, become the best in sumo wrestling and also carry out creative home assignment.

The main category contests will consist of 2 rounds (attempts) and a time for assembling and debugging. The contest is to be held on four various categories:

1.         Line racing;

2.         Sumo;

3.         Kegel ring;

4.         Creative category.

The Festival winners will be awarded valuable prizes, and each category winners will receive cups as well.  

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