The development market leaders “Digital Zone” and “e-Legion” announced a consolidation of the companies and creation of the holding.

3 june 2013

The holding will combine the “Digital Zone” competence in the high-load web development and “e-Legion” experience in the mobile applications and web-services development.   

The Holding’s five offices (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Ulyanovsk, Krasnodar) are currently involved about two hundred employees who are ready to implement projects of any scale. Both companies are leaders in the software development market in Russia and the CIS.  

The Company “e-Legion” — a leader of mobile development in Russia and the CIS. The “e-Legion” has accomplished various projects for such companies as Yandex, Mail.Ru Group, BMW, RaiffeisenBank, Nokia, KFC, Wikimart, Stanford University, Ginza Project and others. The Company’s primary business activity is software development for the following mobile operating systems: iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Windows 8.

The Company “Digital Zone” — a resident of Technopark “Idea”, an expert in the web development for such platforms as Java, .Net, Qt, Air & ОС Unix, Linux, Mac, Windows, Phantom. The Company is also engaged in cross-platform development, consulting, systems modeling, analysis and optimization of business processes. The Company’s customers are as follows: Tele2, Moscow Water Services Company, Russia's Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (MEDT), Yandex, Skolkovo, Yulmart, Adobe and others.  

The “Digital Zone” became a resident of Technopark “Idea” a year ago. To date, the Company has 16 employees who are engaged in the development of client-server, desktop and mobile applications.  

According to Director of Kazan office “Digital Zone” Matvey Krimer, there will not be significant changes in the activity due to the consolidation of companies.

“It is expected that over the years the Company’s activity on the development of mobile applications will be concentrated in St. Petersburg and Kazan we will work on the server logic and web-projects”, - said Matvey Krimer.

To the point, the Holding is scheduled within a year to open new offices in other regions of Russia and the CIS. The Company representatives are now dealing with customers in Europe, North and South America. The expansion of skills range by engaging new partners in the Holding is included in the strategic plan.       

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