27 june 2013

Today CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko has spoken in Moscow on the activity aspects of Tatarstan technoparks at the First Summit of Russian Technoparks “Technopark 2.0: A sustainable development model. Improving the efficiency of current activity”.   

Izabela Disterheft, the head of the Investment Agency of the Gdansk Government (Poland) was the special guest of the Summit. She shared European experience in the development of infrastructure organizations and presented an assessment of their contribution to the regional economic development of European states.

The leaders of the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, JSC “RVC”, the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs of JSC “Rusnano” spoke at the event as well.

The Summit presented the existing technoparks’ researches results conducted by Higher School of Economics. For the first time ever the criteria used in the evaluation had much in common with the criteria used by the professional EBN community. The researchers also presented the perfect model of technopark. Technopark “Idea” uses the performance efficiency evaluation method which is similar to the aforesaid. Therefore, the Summit participants conducted the comparison with the research results of Higher School of Economics. High performance indicators of "Idea" aroused great interest among the conference participants to the management mechanisms used in Technopark.       

In addition, Sergey Yushko told about the activity of Technopark "Idea", the involvement of Tatarstan youth in innovation and its residents’ developments.

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