23 august 2013

A unique program “Public Technical Creativity Workshop” aimed at the formation and development of the youth’s technical creativity will be launched in Tatarstan in autumn. The news was announced by the Head of the Project “Creation of the Youth Innovation Creativity Centres Network in the Republic of Tatarstan” Nicholay Nasonov. This program was presented to the Commission of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation for Science and Innovation at the round table “The main aspects of the children and youth’s scientific creativity development”.    

The program is currently implemented in the test mode in the YICC “Idea” and Naberezhnye Chelny Youth Innovation Creativity Centre, where the republican schoolchildren and students are engaged in the projects. The youth has demonstrated its first results. In particular, the YICC “Idea”’s students have created a new 3D-printer model within 5 months, which was highly appreciated at the All-Russia Exhibition “Geek picnic”. The new model under the name “NOVA” has already found its first customers. At present, students are engaged in the commercialization of their product.      

The program “Public Technical Creativity Workshop” combines forms of educational activities with various leisure activities and decides on the youth employment. Also, the program will provide the schoolchildren and students with the conditions conducive to the technical, intellectual and spiritual development of the individual, explained Nicholay Nasonov. 

Under the program, students within a group as well as individually will be able to perform a variety of projects. The creative project content is a set of interrelated tasks in the project selection, its feasibility and producibility, the definition of design and technology, identification of possible damaged or defective articles of manufacture, sale methods, definition of cost, and implementation of PR-company.

According to Nicholay Nasonov, students being involved in the project will gain knowledge and learn to apply them in practice. “In addition, students will be able to make decisions on their own, learn the basics of working in a team”, - said the Head of the Project “Creation of the YICC Network in Tatarstan”.

The project shall be resulted in the development of competitive product.

“On the basis of YICCs we form youth teams of technical experts, economists, lawyers, who from school and students days are getting on to the production and their role in it”, - says Nicholay Nasonov.  

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation plans to introduce a subject “Innovative Project” from the new academic year, and Tatarstan youth has already got the place where to do their “home assignment”, believes Nicholay Nasonov.

Thereafter will be the creation of YICC-Academy, which diplomas will be quoted in many national companies.

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