28 august 2013

On September 10, 2013, a Short-term Training Programme “Technology Commercialization Basics” will take place in Technopark “Idea”. A head of VCGroup Consulting Company, business consultant Alexander Semenov and Dean of the Innovation and Technology Business Faculty of the Academy of National Economy under the Russian Federation Government, Director of International Technology Incubator Vladimir Zinov and other lecturers will speak on the technology commercialization strategy, the aspects of license trade organization and management of a new product development and promotion. 

The main topics:

  • commercial use of the research and development (R&D) results;
  • technology commercialization strategy;
  • basics of intellectual property legal protection;
  • estimation of intellectual property cost;
  • management of a new product development and promotion;
  • patent-information promotion of intellectual property on the market;
  • license trade organization.

Graduate Certificate will be issued upon completion of training.

The training is provided on a fee paid basis. The RT Ministry of Economy by August 23, 2013 holds a Contest for selection of subsidy applications for reimbursement of RT small and medium-sized enterprises to receive educational services related to the training, retraining and advanced training, as well as the development of entrepreneurial skills and competence.

As for the short-term training (72 hours) - a subsidy is paid in the amount of up to 30.000 (Thirty Thousand) rubles to return the amount spent on training.

For participation in the Advance Training Programme, please contact the Vocational Training Department, Technopark “Idea” by phone: (843) 570-68-50 (internal - 9749, 9740).   

To participate in the competitive selection the entrepreneur should submit the application completed in accordance with the Regulation approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dated November 28, 2012, No. 1041.


Alexander Semenov - a head of VCGroup Consulting Company, business consultant. He has extensive experience in the management of innovation projects, development of business plans and financial models, venture and business angel investment, financial and management consulting (JSFC “Systema”, B2B-Center, Consulting Group “NEO Center”, National Business Angels Association (SBAR)).

Since 2006 he has been holding such courses as “Venture Capital”, “Introduction to Business Innovation” and “Business Planning” in a Higher School of Economics and the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.    

He is co-author of four books and the author of magazine articles on venture and business angel investment. 

Vladimir Zinov – Dean of the Innovation and Technology Business Faculty of the Academy of National Economy under the Russian Federation Government, Director of International Technology Incubator, Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Associated Professor.

Author of over 50 publications on the commercialization and technology transfer, intellectual property management, commercial use, innovation staffing.

He holds the courses on the intellectual property management; commercialization of the research and development (R&D) results in the Academy of National Economy under the Russian Federation Government.

Natalia Kurakova – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor. Pro-rector of Moscow International Higher Business School MIRBIS. Deputy Head of the Science Innovation Development Department of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. She has experience in the R&D projects management in Invention Machine Corporation, LLC (USA) (1996-1999) and Pragmatic Vision International, LLC (USA) (1999-2003).

Pragmatic Vision has the following clients — the largest companies in the U.S., Europe and Japan: Alcoa, Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Xerox, Energizer, Gillette, Honda, Nestle Purina, Nippon Chemi-Con, Toshiba and others. Total transactions volume of such companies as Procter&Gamble, Intel, Motorola, Bosh-Siemens, Hilti, Ford, Xerox, exceeded $10 million.

She performed analytical audit studies of the sectoral research (for the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) and regional science (for the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan) (2011). She has over 15 years of teaching experience.

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