10 september 2013

The First Russian-American Scientific Workshop “Design of Advanced Functional Materials: Education, Research & Innovations in Engineering” will be held with the participation of Technopark “Idea” in Kazan on October 7-11, 2013.

The Workshop will be attended by scientists and lecturers from Arizona State University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Moscow State University and other academic and research organizations from Russia and USA. The scientists and students will discuss the basic principles and approaches to nanomaterials development, the aspects of its properties, nanomaterials technological aspects and areas of its applicability.

According to the Workshop Principal in Russia - Alexander Belyakov, the Workshop will also include the following topics: New Materials Based on Silicates and Aluminum Silicates of Alkali Metals, Resource Efficient and Energy Efficient Technologies and Alternative Energy, Commercialization of Inventions and Copyright.        .

To the point, the Workshop is organized by Kazan National Research Technological University in cooperation with Arizona State University and Innovational production Technopark “Idea”.

For participation please contact the Workshop Principles:

  • In the Russian Federation: Alexander Belyakov, Phone: +79178970848 E.mail:;
  • In the United States of America: Anatoly Korkin, Phone: +1-480-965-0875 E.mail: .
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