13 september 2013

Technopark of Novosibirsk Academgorodok became a full member of the European Business & Innovation Centre Network (EBN), bringing together about 250 technoparks and business incubators all over the world.       

On June 17-18, the EBN Auditor Giordano Dichter and CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko visited Technopark of Novosibirsk Akademgorodok. The guests arrived in Novosibirsk to conduct an audit of Technopark. Mr. Dichter, getting acquainted with the staff and residents of Academpark, gave a high rating to innovation infrastructure and start-ups support system formed in the Akademgorodok. As a result, EBN approved the Academpark’s full membership in the Network for a maximum period (3 years) with no additional conditions.     

A contract signing ceremony of the Academpark accession to the EBN was held within the Summer School Contest on 1 million rubles. Giordano Dichter before the presentations of the prize contenders said: “Seeing Academpark among our members means a lot to us. Academpark became the third technopark in Russia, which joined the European Network and we hope in future there will be more and more technoparks. I was greatly impressed when I first visited Academpark, and I'm sure I'll be excited when I see the things for which we work - innovative school projects”.    

During the ceremony, Academpark General Director Dmitry Verkhovod noted that the European Business & Innovation Centre Network, unlike the most of international associations, has strong views on the selection of its members: “Most of the associations simply trades membership. Before joining the European Network we were seriously audited, which resulted in the making by the Quality Department a long-awaited decision. Be a member of EBN - a sign of quality, an opportunity to have foreign partners and a prospect of additional international contracts for our residents”, - he stressed.  

EBN – the leading European Network bringing together about 250 technoparks, business incubators and venture centers all over the world.   

The Network was set up in 1984 as a joint initiative of the European Commission and European industry leaders. EBN, locating in Brussels, coordinates the activity and carries out quality control of the Network members.

The first in Russia accredited member of EBN became Technopark “Idea” in 2010, the second was business incubator of Krasnoyarsk in 2013. 

 Adapted from Academpark Press Service  

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