18 september 2013

Kazakhstan - one of the most important foreign economic partners of Tatarstan. The cooperation between Tatarstan and Kazakhstan is actively developed in many areas, particularly in the creation of technoparks.    

Today at Technopark representatives of the Republic of Kazakhstan led by Deputy Governor of South Kazakhstan region Saparbek Tuyakbaev have familiarized with the activity aspects of “Idea” and its experience in cooperation with foreign companies.   

CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko told the guests about the history of Russia's first Technopark, about the difficulties occurred during the development of “Idea”. He informed that currently Technopark had 105 companies with the involvement of about 2,000 employees. The main profile of the Company - engineering services (about 55%). Residents were also focused on providing consulting services.

During the presentation of Technopark, a special attention was paid to “Idea” residents’ customers. “It is important to have demand for products and services developed by residents, on the both markets: domestic and overseas”, - stressed Sergey Yushko. Technopark’s residents are competitive in the global market.

For example, Honda, Danon, Vichi are the Digital Production customers of SmartHead, engaged in the development and support of Internet projects. Extraterritorial resident of Technopark - Research and Production Enterprise "GKS", providing a full range of design, manufacturing, delivery and commissioning works, accounting and characterization of gas, oil and oil products quality through innovative ideas and technologies, jointly with Technopark’s anchor residents - Siemens and Yokogawa developed projects for JSC "Gazprom" and JSC "Lukoil".

Kazakhstan delegation led by Deputy Governor of South Kazakhstan region Saparbek Tuyakbaev arrived in Kazan yesterday on September 17. Upon arrival the guests met with Tatarstan Prime Minister Ildar Khalikov. Today, the delegation during their working visit will familiarize with projects of Tatarstan Investment Development Agency.   

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