20 september 2013

Today the delegation of the Ministry of State Property Management of the Sverdlovsk region headed by the Minister Alexey Pyankov has visited Technopark “Idea”. Deputy Ministers and Directors of Administrative Departments, representatives of the Regional State Centre for Technical Inventory and Real Property Registration and Administrative Management of Mingosimuschestvo of Sverdlovsk region were also on the delegation. The guests were accompanied by Deputy Minister of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Shamejev.  

During the visit the head of the Department of External Relations and PR Evgeniy Malikov told the Minister about the aspects for the attraction of first residents and the “Idea” services rendered for start-ups.  

Alexey Pyankov was especially interested in the Technopark resident’s profile. Evgeniy Malikov explained that Technopark “Idea” was not one-purpose Company and its residents developed and provided services of various applications. In addition, the same resident could develop projects in different areas. For instance, "Eidos" started its activity with the design and creation of an auto simulator meant for training of KAMAZ drivers. During the work on this project the guys mastered several more areas. They developed and manufactured small size vessel driving simulators, military and aircraft simulators.                   To date the Company has mastered a new area - the production of medical simulators and is one of the five largest global manufacturing companies.

The main subject for discussion was the aspects for attracting anchor residents. Evgeniy Malikov said that Technopark localized 9 anchor companies who personally chose the location place of their technology departments. In particular, one of the resident companies before localizing of its department in Technopark studied 40 of the most attractive cities. A Company, having thoroughly studied the characteristics of the region, could select the city and its department localization site, said Evgeniy Malikov. 

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