25 september 2013

Today at Technopark “Idea” business representatives of Saxony and Director of Innovation Oleg Ibragimov have discussed the aspects of foreign companies experience in Tatarstan. The discussion was attended by representatives of the Innovation Center at the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Lower Saxony, Naue GmbH (geotechnical coatings production), Broetje Automation (equipment manufacturing for aviation industrial clusters), To Limit Agentur / Well Complition (oil and gas service equipment) and other companies.      

During the meeting Oleg Ibragimov told the guests about the history of Technopark and presented the “Idea”’s key performance indicators.  

The guests were especially interested in the Technopark’s resident policy. For example, the Head of the Innovation Centre at the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Lower Saxony Stephen Franzke asked about benefits and subsidies provided to residents.

Oleg Ibragimov explained that start-up companies at Technopark are provided with not only favourable rental terms, but also legal advice, assistance in documents execution when applying for grants, PR-promotion and other services.

Also, Stephen Franzke showed his interest in the subsidies granted by the Republic for the development of small companies. He was told that to get the subsidies and grants the Technopark’s residents should participate in programs and competitions organized in the country and with the participation of Technopark “Idea” as well.  

Business representatives of Saxony will continue their acquaintance with Tatarstan IT-infrastructure. Tomorrow the delegation will get acquainted with the possibilities of Special Economic Zone “Alabuga”.

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