27 september 2013

A traditional autumn meeting of entrepreneurs and government officials, financial and business representatives of Tatarstan was held in Technopolis “Himgrad”, the Managing Company of which is a subsidiary of Technopark “Idea”. The participants discussed small and medium-sized businesses support programs existing in Tatarstan.

“As of today 24 residents of “Himgrad” have won over RUB. 9.5 Million under the rent costs and land buy-out subsidy program. Also 3 companies, engaged in the development and introduction of innovative products, have received RUB. 15 Million under the small and medium-sized businesses support program”, - said JSC “Himgrad” Director of Investment and Innovation Alexey Grushin.   

The competitive selection of business projects of small and medium-sized businesses subsidizing in the Republic of Tatarstan - residents of industrial sites is under the progress. According to the Head of the RT Business Support Centre Artem Naumov, subsidies are granted in two cases. To finance the costs associated with the lease or redemption of real estate in the industrial site areas - 25 per cent of the cost amount, but not more than RUB. 5 Million, or the land rent payment - but not more than RUB. 1 Million.

Applications for participation in the selection are accepted till October 18, 2013 by the RT Ministry of Economy and representative offices of the RT Business Support Centre.       

As explained by Press Service of Technopolis “Himgrad”, the acceptance of applications under the program “Leasing-grant” and “Subsidizing of expenditures for technological connection and energy-efficiency measures” is continued as well.  

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