1 october 2013

BulgarPromo Company, a resident of Technopark “Idea”, jointly with Agency “Dar Link Idea” carries on training workshops on the Internet marketing tools use serving to increase a competitive ability in the economic crisis. On October 10, at 04:00 p.m. the audience and experts will consider a key part of Internet marketing – the site conversion.

“The aim of the Workshop dedicated to the conversion is that our existing and potential clients be aware of its efficiency”, - said BulgarPromo Director Rustem Garaev.  

At the workshop the experts will explain the methods of the conversion formation and development, the process of its measurement and expansion and the ways for achieving efficient operation of the site and managers.

At the hands-on workshop the experts will teach to analyze the site marketing properties, as well as familiarize with managers controlling approach to increase the number of transactions.

Workshops are meant for executives, sales managers, sales executives focused on improving the efficiency of companies through the whole range of Internet marketing tools.

The second part of the workshop will give an option of understanding what can be changed in the site to increase conversions. Also, the workshop will include landing pages and Internet shops improvement technologies. The participants will receive valuable advice and knowledge with a view to independently evaluate the site conversion.

Everyone interested is invited!

Contact telephone numbers:

8 906 112 3006

(843) 524 73 75 (Denis Gilmullin).

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