11 october 2013

On October 14, the IV round of the Republican Contest of Youth Innovative Projects: “Innovation Polygon “Tatarstan – the territory of the future” will be launched in Tatarstan. The Contest will be attended by 120 students from 17 cities and regions.    

According to Technopolis “Himgrad” Deputy Director of Marketing & PR, head of the Contest Organizing Committee Elvira Moiseeva, the IV round of the Contest, involving 37 pre-finalist-teams, will be held in the “Business day” format. The participants will take part in a highly topical interactive educational programme, an exclusive meeting with start-up owners and team project work on a real case-study. The students will be provided with the opportunity not only to develop the existing business model, but also to test it in a testing mode at the research and development centre of Technopolis “Himgrad”, Technopark FSBEI HPE “Kazan National Research Technological University”, Innovational and production Technopark “Idea”.           

The specific aspect of this Business day is a unique experiment that will be performed by the contestants under the leadership of experts invited from International Agency “Jimdo”. As the experts promise, the students using a unique constructor will create their own websites just in 4 hours, and will learn programming skills and maintenance of the created free website. In addition, during the “Business day”, a leading training company of Tatarstan – “Teamsoft” will organize group trainings on the self-presentation, team building and leadership basics.   


Adapted from Technopolis “Himgrad” Press Center 

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