12 october 2013

The “BUSINESS Online” continues with the project “Internet-conference with the business community”. The project mission - to provide readers with a new tool of communication with a person important to the economy of Tatarstan and Russia for discussion of current topics and issues.

On October 24, Technopark “Idea” CEO Sergey V. Yushko will reply to the questions of the “BUSINESS Online” readers.

Innovational production Technopark “Idea” started its activity on February 5, 2004. The Technopark’s mission is making a system for the high-tech ideas commercialization. Technopark provides companies with a support required at all innovative stages of the project, promoting the design, research and development works. Technopark realizes the cooperation between developers, industrial sector and investors.

Technopark is a full member of the European Business & Innovation Centre Network (EBN). About 7000 jobs were created at the Technopark’s site. Over 400 companies had the opportunity to reside on the Technopark’s premises. The average age of the employees of resident companies is 26-28. In 2012 the average salary level was 14% higher than in the republic. Annually, Technopark transfers up to 150 mln. rubles through the Unified Social Tax and Tax on Individual Person’s Income to the republican budget. Since April 2007, Technopark has not been used money for its operating activity from the state budget. From 2004 to 2012, the Technopark transferred 1086 billiard roubles through the Unified Social Tax and Tax on Individual Person’s Income to the budget of Tatarstan. In 2010, Technopark reimbursed all invested funds to the budget of Tatarstan.

Is there any economic benefit from the investment in IPT “Idea”? Who now works at the site? What are the prospects for the technoparks development?

You may ask your questions to Sergey Yushko right now!

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