14 october 2013

Eidos Company, a resident of Technopark “Idea”, develops a third-generation robot complex with a computer vision system capable of tempering and eliminating the metal elements defects (laser cladding to repair and recover metal parts). The project is performed under the agreement between OJSC “KAMAZ”, LLC “Eidos” and Research and Technology Association “IRE-Polus” (IPG Photonics).

The robot software is able to analyze a three-dimensional model, to recognize it and analyze the surface, identify the areas which are in need of laser intervention, and on the basis of the analysis to build tracks for the fully automatic operations independent of direct human intervention.  

The following metal settings algorithms are programmed in the intelligent robot unit: defects, cracks and other quality features which a computer vision unit should evaluate and make decisions independent of direct human control.

Today a group of researchers is engaged in the creation of the complex. “In the course of the development we have faced with a lack of data series. Then we turned for help to the Youth Innovation Creativity Centre “Idea”. By making use of the Centre’s equipment we managed to produce three-dimensional die data, as well as conduct several experiments with the die surface to create the computer vision unit algorithm for the Complex”, - said the developers team leader Timur Satdarov. It is scheduled to commercialize the Complex in 2014.

“Our YICCs are organized in accordance with the concept of FabLab, - explained the Head of the Project “Creation of the Youth Innovation Creativity Centres Network in the Republic of Tatarstan” Nicholay Nasonov. - We have implemented the best international practices at our sites in Tatarstan. Now our task - to create a communicative community, to attract young people, to demonstrate that we can develop products of great importance, how it is done in the entire world, using our “simple” equipment.  

It is important that our YICCs join schoolchildren, students and developers of innovative products where each one has the opportunity to see the development of a more senior and experienced colleagues. It provides young people with a particular vector of development, the understanding of a real need of certain knowledge in an educational institution.

For reference:

“IRE-Polus” - one of the three production sites of IPG Photonics Corporation, with the capitalization of more than USD 2.5 billion (data from Forbes). The other two - in the USA and Germany. It controls 80% of the world market of fiber lasers (Forbes), the world's only company producing industrial multi-kilowatt fiber lasers (up to 50 kW) for cutting, welding and heat treatment. Forbes estimates Valentina Gapontseva’s rate at USD 1.1 billion.    

LLC “Eidos” - an innovative company engaged in the production of training-simulators, one of the leading Russian software developers and virtual reality hardware manufacturers, belongs to several individuals.  

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