28 october 2013

Startup of the Year Award - one of the main events in the innovative technology world - an annual event where best companies and teams are encouraged in several categories. This is another chance to show yourself in the best light before the business community, to enlist the support of experts and investors and to pick up “Startup of the Year” Award - the Golden Apple. 
This year we have made a slight change in the outward appearance, but the projects level will remain unchanged. A high organization level will be traditionally provided by a team of Business Incubator of National Research University – Higher School of Economics, with the support of RVC and Moscow Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Enterprise.
This year, the categories have also been changed. Please note that internet projects have become a separate category.
Should you apply for the Award? If you worked hard, and now it's time to express yourself and your project, make interesting acquaintances, meet with potential investors and find new customers, the Award - what you need. The Award is one platform concentrating various types of entrepreneurial activity, new ideas and stellar stories at the end of the year.  
For a more objective and unbiased evaluation of young companies the Awards will be presented in several categories:

  • Best Technology Startup - a startup built a business based on the most promising technology.  
  • Best Internet Startup – a company engaged in the Internet activity only.
  • Discovery of the Year / Quick Start - a company established in 2013, and shows the most rapid growth and development.
  • Socially Significant Startup - a company engaged in the solution of socially significant problems.
  • Global startup - a startup working on markets outside Russia.
  • Team of the Year - the best startup-market team - 2013. The category is awarded with the support of PRUFFI.

For more details on the criteria and rules for applications please refer to the tab “Make an application”. Applications are admitted until the end of October, inclusive. Finalists of the “Startup of the Year” Award - 2013 will be released on November 20. And on December 16, the Award solemn ceremony with the announcement of the laureates of the “Startup of the Year” Award – 2013 will take place at the Central House of Entrepreneurs. They will be given all the attention of media, the jury, investors and potential customers, as well as obtained special prizes from sponsors and partners, and the coveted Golden Apple Award.

The finalists should not relax at the ceremony, since they will have to compete for the audience award as well. During the event, the winner in the category “Best Audience Choice Startup" will be selected by popular vote. A special partner, Moscow Innovation Development Centre, will award a special prize for best capital project.   

To register as a spectator for the “Startup of the Year” Award – 2013 ceremony you can here.
Contact information for contestants:
Elena Privalova – mentor of the “Startup of the Year” Award – 2013
e-mail: privalova@hse-inc.ru

Media contact information:
Angelina Tsoy, e-mail: ta@intelmatters.ru


Adapted from the event organizers 

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