29 october 2013

CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko has been recognized as a Manager of the Year at the Second Summit of Russian Technoparks “Technopark 2.0: Resources for Russian Technoparks Development”.  

The Summit that is taking place today in Moscow is a part of comprehensive skills development program for technoparks and business incubators staff. The program was launched at the initiative of JSC “RVC” in the spring of 2013. The program operator is Innovation Centre of National Research University - Higher School of Economics. The program has a schedule to conduct at least 10 events for 200 experts of technoparks and business incubators from 15 regions of Russia. The First Summit of Russian Technoparks “Technopark 2.0: A Sustainable Development Model” was held on June 26, 2013 at Higher School of Economics in partnership with JSC “RVC”.  

An awarding ceremony for successful and significant contribution to the development of Russian Innovation Infrastructure in 2102-2013 has been held today within the framework of the Summit. The winners have been decided in 5 categories:  

- Best Research Park (category partner – Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation).

- Best Public Technopark (category partner – Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation).

- High Technology Parks Development Model with the Involvement of Private Capital (category partner – QIWI Venture).

- Manager of the Year (category partner – JSC “RVC”).

- Contribution to the Development of Russian Technoparks (category partner – Non-Profit Organization “Association of Technoparks in the sphere of High Technologies”). 

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