7 november 2013

On November 12, a Business day “From technology to start-up in 2 hours” aimed at top-management and leading experts of high-tech companies in Tatarstan industrial sector will take place in Technopolis “Himgrad”.  

The event will be held in the “business developer” format. 3M Company’s experts will introduce new technologies on the basis of which residents of Technopolis “Himgrad” and other Tatarstan enterprises will be able to produce innovative products and upgrade the production in whole. The RT Nanotechnology Centre is ready to become an investor of potential start-ups.  

For the event program you may download here.

3M Company is a fast-growth multi-business international corporation with a centuries-old history and a long tradition. The Company produces thousands of unique products and leads the world in many areas of production: from healthcare materials to office and household products.
3M Company’s annual turnover makes USD 23 billion. The products developed in the last five years bring 40% of the corporate income. Since 1976, 3M is firmly embedded in the 30 companies that make up the Dow Jone basis of estimate (Dow Jones Industrial Average) - the oldest and most popular U.S. stock market indicators.

3M Company has gained a strong position in many areas of business in recent years, dedicating the advanced technology, modern production methods, effective marketing ideas and famous brands to the public. 3M brand is recognized and respected by the world.

The Company totally produces about 100 thousand items, which are sold in 200 countries. More than 75,000 employees are engaged in the Company’s enterprises, including more than 7,000 researchers. 

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