11 november 2013

FORBES in partnership with General partner – Google announces the contest “Young Billionaire School”. The project is a logical continuation of the start-ups contest, which we conducted in 20102011 and 2012. The top ten entrants from the semi-finalists will have the opportunity to tell the entire country about their business and get the experienced entrepreneurs’ advice on its development.     

Terms of participation 

Applications for the contest can be given by entrepreneurs who registered their companies on or after 1st November 2012. At that, the entrant’s business management experience shall not exceed 5 years: one-man company or partner companies created previously should be established not earlier than November 1, 2008.  

The business project should pass the idea’s discussion and testing stages: a prototype or a fact of first sale. There are no limitations on the scope of activity.      

How to apply for participation

To apply you should perform the following three actions: 

1. Shoot a video and put it on the YouTube. The Russian-language video should contain information on the team and project - in any form, up to 3 minutes.   

2. Put the project presentation – up to 7 slides in the Slideshare. The Russian-language presentation should compulsorily contain the following information: what sort of problem does the project solve, who is the customer, who is the competitors, as well as what main project problems you want to resolve in the course of the contest.   

3. Send the application form to in the following form:

- Project name 

- Project main point in one sentence   

- Project leader

- City

- Link to a video posted on the YouTube

- Link to a presentation posted on the Slideshare

For the Start-ups-2012 contest winners applications please refer to Herehere and here.   

Terms and regulations  

Applications are accepted from the date of the announcement publication to 00:00, November 25, 2013. Authors of 10 projects will have the right to study. Nine of them will be determined by a group of mentors, consisting of well-known entrepreneurs. The tenth semi-finalist will be an entrepreneur whose application scores the maximum “likes” on the social networks until November 25.    

Each of the mentors will become one of the projects consultants for a few months and will offer advice, and, moreover, hold one public master-class. Such a meeting will give every first-time entrepreneur a chance to tell about their projects development, problems and progress. The master-class video аnd story will be presented on the   

In addition, all the readers will be able to ask the well-known businessman a question. The Google experts will conduct a master class on the Internet business promotion for all students.

Following the activity results the mentors will determine the top students considering the project development dynamics during the training period. The results will be announced in June 2014.


The following members confirmed their participation in the project: Julia Solovieva (Google Representative office chief in Russia), Regina von Flemming (CEO of Axel Springer Russia), Alisa Chumachenko (founder of Game Insight), Sergey Belousov (fоunder of Acronis, Parallels), Kamil Kurmakaev (co-founder of Wikimart),Ruslan Alikhanov (President of FESCO), Alexander Rappoport (lawyer, restaurateur), David Yakobashvili (founder of Wimm-Bill-Dann), Alexander Ostrovsky (founder of Invitro), Anton Titov (founder and director of Obuv Rossii). 

Honorary member of the jury will be the founder of the American business accelerator Plug&Play Said Amidi.  

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