12 november 2013

Head of the Project “Creation of the Youth Innovation Creativity Centres Network (YICC) in the Republic of Tatarstan” Nicholay Nasonov has told today the Minister of Youth Affairs of the Chechen Republic Hozh-Baudi Daaev about the specifics of creating the Youth Innovation Creativity Centres in Tatarstan, the aspects of equipment procurement and staff training, as well as programs for schools. The guest has visited Technopark “Idea” in the company of Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Garifullin.

Mr. Daaev agreed that searching for innovation-active youth among graduates is often useless, so, it is important to train personnel starting from school days. The creation of YICCs has become an efficient tool for involving young people; one of centres is located in Technopark’s territory. There are totally 10 YICCs in Tatarstan with the engagement of more than 5,000 students since opening (February, 2013).

Schoolchildren and students have the opportunity to implement their ideas using modern universal equipment. The brightest developments of the YICC’s students are 3D-printer and the project “Educational blocks”. 

The new generation 3D-printer, developed by a group of schoolchildren and students, compared with the existing models, shows the high printing speed, metal case, high quality as well as the simplicity and ease of use. Some parts of this printer were printed on another 3D-printer.

The Sabinsky region YICC’s development - educational blocks using which children can learn languages ​​and school subjects in the form of funny entertainment. One student needs two blocks, one of which, for example, contains the author, and the other - the text. If the student correctly correlates the author and the text, then by combining two blocks, he can listen to the whole text. 

Everyone interested can enroll for classes in the YICC “Idea” by phone: (843) 258-91-52

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