15 november 2013

The Republican Youth Forum – 2013 is organized with the assistance of Ministry of Youth Affairs, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Regional Youth Social Movement of Young Scientists and Experts of the Republic of Tatarstan and Public Organization “Academy of Creative Youth of the Republic of Tatarstan”.  

The Forum is held on an annual basis and is a central discussion platform for Tatarstan youth, where any young person and team can present and defend their projects, find like-minded people to implement it and get public and government support. 

The Forum includes the following platforms: “Youth Science and Innovation”, “Architecture and Urban Environment”, “I’m an entrepreneur”, “Initiative”, “Security”, “Inspiration”, “Info Stream”, “Start in the Future”.                                                          

The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan will be the mentor of the platform “I’m an entrepreneur”.

The authors of youth projects or initiatives may become young people at the age of 16-30 (young scientists aged under 35), students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan, activists of children and youth public organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan, or group of authors including one or more representatives of Tatarstan youth at the age of 16-30 (young scientists aged under 35).  

For participation in the project selection contest you should send an electronic application to the Forum website:

For more details on the Forum please contact by phone: (843) 240-65-75. 


Adapted from the event organizers 

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