29 november 2013

The Second Congress of Nanotechnology Companies is being held today in Moscow. The Congress is attended by Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies (RUSNANO) Anatoly Chubais, General Director of the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs Andrei Svinarenko, President of the Russian Nanotechnological Society Viktor Bykov, as well as representatives of Russian Nanotechnology Companies. Among the participants – CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko.       

Chairman of the Board of Directors of “RCB-Product” Igor Popkov told about the main activity areas of the National Inter-branch Association of Nanoindustry (MON) on development of innovation and nanotechnology products markets. He touched upon the problems of small and medium-sized innovative companies’ entry to the market and provided successful examples of nanotechnology products promotion, in particular, nano-vaccines and nutritional supplements. “Sales of nanotechnology products is the solution of a puzzle: it is easy to promote products for general consumers, unlike sophisticated nanotechnology products”, - said Igor Popkov.           

Sergey Yushko outlined his vision for the issue. Sales of ​​products is an art, and even more new and nano products. According to Technopark CEO, we need to learn it.  

The Nanotechnology Companies Congress, established in 2012, is a communication business platform for discussion of key problems of the Russian nanotechnology business.

Organizers of the Congress - 2013 are the National Inter-branch Association of Nanoindustry (MON) and the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs.  

An open discussion: “Solution of the nanotechnology companies’ development problems through the cooperation on the basis of the National Inter-branch Association of Nanoindustry (MON)” is also being held within the Congress.   

The Congress to be summed up by Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies (RUSNANO) and the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the National Inter-branch Association of Nanoindustry (MON) Anatoly Chubais and General Director of the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies (RUSNANO), Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Inter-branch Association of Nanoindustry (MON) Andrei Svinarenko.

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