5 december 2013

Today the aspects of students’ professional-oriented and extracurricular activities have been discussed at the Round table meeting in Tatarstan Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The meeting was attended by Head of the Project “Creation of the Youth Innovation Creativity Centres Network in the Republic of Tatarstan” Nicholay Nasonov, Deputy Information Director of IT-Lyceum Ruslan Galimov, Director of Children’s Creativity Centre “Azino” Farida Sungatullina, Creator of Platform ScratchDuino, developing the youth’ engineering and creative potential using robotics, Pavel Frolov, representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Tatarstan Ministry of Education and Science. Head of the Regional Public Organization “Development and Implementation of Tatarstan Innovation Programs” Ramil Kadermytov acted as the initiator of the Round table meeting.                      

Nicholay Nasonov told the Round table participants about the creation of the Youth Innovation Creativity Centres (YICC) in the Republic of Tatarstan. To date, there are 10 YICCs in Tatarstan with the engagement of more than 5,000 students since its opening. In the Centres schoolchildren and students have the opportunity to use the most up-to-date equipment - laser cutters, 3D- printers, milling devices. The children not only master “Do-It-Yourself” format, but also improve certain models of equipment, create something new. “It should be realized that modern students are in step with the time, and school facility does not always meet their needs. Accordingly, it is necessary to update it, - said Nicholay Nasonov. - In particular, schoolchildren are still offered Lego sets. At present pre-schoolers play Lego, and now they are interested in studying robots, its structure, and constructing it by their own”.       

This view was also supported by Pavel Frolov: “It is high time to hand Lego sets over the kindergardens”, - he stressed.

Nicholay Nasonov proposed giving classes in the YICC as one possibility to solve this problem. Thus, students of Lyceum No.5 are already engaged in the Centre “Idea”, and students from Zelenodolsk and Drozhannoe districts attend YICCs located in regional centres. Centres in other republican municipal districts are also ready to accept students and work with them, said Nicholay Nasonov.         

“Furthermore, the projects implemented in the YICCs can be carried out at Tatarstan enterprises”, - he said.

Following the meeting, it was decided to prepare a proposal of further closer cooperation with the YICCs’ heads for Tatarstan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan.  

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