4 december 2013

Today at Technopark “Idea” St. Petersburg business executives were told about the services rendered to Technopark “Idea”s residents, the younger generation training methods and the work aspects with anchor residents. Residents of Business Incubator “Ingria” were also among the business representatives. The visit was held under St. Petersburg Government Programme “Enter to the regions”.

The guests familiarized with Technopark’s creation history and its infrastructure. Also, they got information on residents’ activity areas. The visitors expressed a special interest in Technopark’s professionally-oriented activity – work with the younger generation in LEGO Centre and the Youth Innovation Creativity Centre. Each project is designed for children of a certain age, which makes possible to create special programs aimed at development of children and youth’s abilities. The availability of appropriate equipment is of great importance as well. In the YICC the entrepreneurs had the opportunity to see how modern students create digital models in a graphics program and recreate it in a 3D printer.            

Racoons Group, a resident of Technopark “Idea”, told the guests about the development of innovative technologies. The first time IT-entrepreneur clarified that the benefits of localization in Technopark are not limited to favourable lease terms only. In many ways, it's the atmosphere and the opportunity to communicate with potential customers or competitors.  

St. Petersburg guests, at the end of their visit, offered to share achievements and to collect success stories of Russian technoparks’ residents in a single case with the purpose of demonstrating it to interested students and first-time entrepreneurs.  

St. Petersburg entrepreneurs are on a four-day visit to Kazan. During the previous two days, the guests have visited IT-Park, where they took part in the Round table discussion “Public-private cooperation experience in the implementation of IT projects on the example of Tatarstan” and “IT projects entry into Tatarstan market: IT regional market review, small business support programs and infrastructure, opportunities for IT start-ups from other regions. "    

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