9 december 2013

“There is only one boss. The customer.
 And he can fire everybody in the company
from the chairman on down, simply by                                                spending his money somewhere else”.
Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart

BulgarPromo Company, a resident of Technopark “Idea”, with the support of Agency “Dar Link Idea” continues to conduct a series of training workshops on the Internet marketing tools use serving to increase a competitive ability in a growing crisis market contractionOn December 12 we invite you to discuss what to oppose to negative events.

What is the topic of the fifth seminar?

How to provide great customer services to delight the client.

The impending crisis makes clients to give more care to the selection of goods and services supplier. And good service becomes a mandatory attribute of a company that wants to win in the competitive war. In such a war weapon should become the own brand, and the most reliable ally - the client. Almost every manager heard of customer centricity and wants to use it, but in reality it is often replaced by its image. What is the reason for that? Because the real customer centricity as a perfect record generates a surge in sales and absolute loyalty (customer adherence to the company). But it is not easy matter to achieve the customer centricity.         

How to achieve a customer centricity? Where does it start and how Internet marketing tools helps in this matter?

We will touch on the issues of achieving customer centricity related to communication and document flow between a client and a company service. It is referred to the creation of optimal conditions for a website searching and receiving by a website visitor the required information on the goods and services advantages, application-to-transaction processing automation, communication and transaction control automation, service (quality) satisfaction feedback automation.           

We will tell how to reduce the response time, demonstrate the quality control examples, show how to automate these processes, and how to understand what has been achieved.  

At the hands-on workshop we will teach how to create a self-regulation to control the service quality in your area.  

Who is invited to the workshop?

The workshop is designed for CEOs, HR managers, directors of development, financial managers, sales managers focused on improving the efficiency of companies through the whole range of Internet marketing tools.

What tools do we learn at the workshop?

The workshop is aimed at studying such tools as quality assurance regulation, invited number control.

The workshop participants will learn:

ü  What is a customer centricity

ü  How to hire a customer centric employee

ü  Internal and external customer centricity

ü  How to deal with a client for a quality result

ü  What is “satisfactory”, “good” and “excellent” in the customer centricity concept

ü  How to please the customer at the point of sale, and what tools are there for this

ü  How to please the customer, making quality service

ü  How the brand should assist in sales

ü  How to digitize the service quality by Regulations

ü  How a customer centricity may influence on the manager’s efficiency

ü  The role of the customer centricity feedback


The workshop plan


Item No.




Acquaintance with participants, discussion of expectations


10 min.


Introduction to the customer centricity concept


20 min.


Introduction to the fundamental understanding of customer centricity and quality 


30 min.


Coffee break




The practical part: the formation of regulatory definition of the service quality


30 min.


Summing up


60 min.


Organizational part:


v  Organizers:

v  LLC “BulgarPromo”  

LLC “Agency “Dar Link Idea”

v  Moderator: Bulat Tukhvatullin – Director of Strategic Development, Business Acceleration Consultant.

v  Leaders:

v  Damir Fakhrutdinov – Leading Programmer, Technical Director

v  Denis Gilmullin – Sales Manager

v  Duration: 2 hours.


v  Registration: mandatory.

For registration please contact the manager by phone.


The workshop date:
December 12, 2013, at 04:00 p.m.

The workshop address: room 304, Technopark “Idea”, 50 Peterburgskaya Str., Kazan

Contact telephone numbers:


 (843) 524 73 75

 Denis Gilmullin


Our website:


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