12 december 2013

Practical aspects for the implementation of international educational programs are being studied these days in Kazan. The Scientific Workshop takes place in Technopark “Idea” on December 11-13, 2013. During the Workshop, lecturers jointly with participants – professors and graduate students of Kazan National Research Technological University - study the aspects of grant awarding of DAAD and other public organizations of Federal Republic of Germany, opportunities for training in the U.S., France and other countries.       

Within two days Science and Technology Expert of the Environment, Science, Technology & Health (ESTH) Section at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow Mark Mayer, expert in French in the Centre of French language and culture “Alliance Francaise-Kazan” Loran Liebo and others told the audience about scholarship programs and the cooperation specifics with foreign colleagues.      

Today, the peculiarities of legal regulation of joint educational programs, international educational programs in the context of the university internationalization strategy, as well as double degree programs have been discussed as part of the Workshop.

CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko raised the issue of interaction between employers and universities. He spoke about the opportunities provided by Technopark’s residents, and the prospects for cooperation with the structures of JSC “RUSNANO”. It is important for universities to educate specialists that will be in demand on the labor market, explained Sergey Yushko.  

The Scientific Workshop “Practical Aspects for the Implementation of International Educational Programs” is organized by Technopark “Idea”. The event initiator - Kazan National Research Technological University.

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