18 december 2013

Muslims sportswear, agricultural plant based oil spill refining sorbent, rubber and inulin alternative raw material - all these are innovative projects of Tatarstan youth. The finalists have been today presented at the Republican Contest “Innovation Polygon “Tatarstan – the territory of the future”. The Contest was launched in May, 2013. It was attended by more than 300 participants from 10 districts of the Republic. During 7 months the students worked on 37 business-ideas, and only 18 projects were selected and got into the final.                 

The awarding ceremony has been held today at Kazan National Research Technological University. Such officials as Vice Rector for Lifelong Education at FSBEI HPE “KNRTU” Lyubov Ovsienko, Investment and Innovation Officer of Technopolis “Himgrad” Aleksey Grushin, Head of Children and Youth Organizations Department Vladislav Usanov, Head of External Relations and PR Department of Technopark “Idea” Evgeniy Malikov and others took part in the event.

Vladislav Usanov told the participants about the youth project prospects in the Republic. He said that Tatarstan youth has unique conditions and many projects are being implemented. The contest “Idea-1000”, “50 Top Innovative Ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan”, the Republican Youth Forum - these projects are open to you”, he explained.      

During the awarding ceremony Evgeniy Malikov told about the importance of managing time and priorities in a proper way. “We realize that we all have the same minutes and hours as the president of any country. And the way of managing this time depends only on us. Thank you for having spared no effort and time to work on your projects”, - said Evgeniy Malikov.   

At the ceremony the finalists have been presented to the guests. According to the results of Innovation Polygon the 1st place was awarded to the project “Creation of Muslims sportswear and sport attributes. Setting up sports shop in Drozhannoe Municipal District”, prepared by students of Staroe Drozhannoe Secondary General School No.2. The 2nd place was won by students of Nizhnekamsk Polytechnic College named after E.N. Koroleva. The students were awarded for the project “Cost-effective house for a young family. Infrared heating based pre engineered, energy-independent residential house for a young family”. The 3rd place was given to students of Secondary General School No.132 with an advanced study of foreign languages.          

In addition to the top places, the winners were announced in the following categories: “Best Innovation Project”, “Best innovative solution”, “Best Innovative Idea”. The finalists were also awarded prizes in special categories.

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