24 december 2013

Yesterday, on December 23, the results of the first Republican Contest "Entrepreneur of the Year: Gold Hundred – 2013” were summed up in Kazan. 35 experts - the most respected and recognized business people, representatives of authority, public organizations and the media have chosen the companies that they believe could become a mainstay of the Republic of Tatarstan.
The first and last places in the “Gold Hundred 2013” were not given. Every entrepreneur has become a unique unit of the rating, the industry, the economic ecosystem. Entrepreneurs were primarily evaluated for talent, innovation, solutions quality and contribution to the development of business, its industry and the overall economy.      

Following the preferential voting results of the expert council , the residents of Technopark “Idea” - LLC “Eidos” and “Marabaka” project were included in the “Gold Hundred – 2013”.  

Marabaka – the children's educational brand, which includes the application of interactive assembly instructions “Assembling of interesting things with your own hands”. The authors have developed a website (, where kids can upload photos of their inventions and crafts.   

The Company “Eidos” produces training simulators, interactive complexes for training experts in various human activity areas. All products are developed on the basis of the latest global achievements in virtual reality systems and automation. The Company policy is aimed at improving the experts’ training efficiency on simulators. The efficiency improvement is achieved by maximum approximation of simulated and virtual environment to reality, as well as fully developed and detailed teaching method.     


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