Sergey Yushko, Technopark “Idea”: “If our team acted only as the commandant at the hostel, we would have been empty and asked for budget money”.

9 january 2014


About 110 companies are residents of Innovational and production Technopark “Idea”. Last year the total revenues of these companies amounted to RUB. 7 Billion, and, the “Idea” s annual revenue - more than RUB.100 Million. Next year, Technopark, 46% of the shares of which are owned by ‘Rusnano”, will celebrate its 10th anniversary. CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko replying to the questions of the “BUSINESS Online” readers during the Internet-conference told about success stories, ideas and residents, as well as about the “Rusnano” as the shareholder.      


—  Sergey Vladimirovich, next year Technopark will celebrate its 10th anniversary. It is the oldest platform in Tatarstan. What have been done during this period?   

—  Over the ten years we have passed through the period from unobvious for Russia development model to the European level Technopark, and our residents have created positive history for the Technopark and have gained respect of major customers. The Technopark’s proposals won the major federal contests, resulting in the creation of Business Incubator “Sviyaga”, IT- Park, Technopolis “Himgrad” and Nanotechnology Centre. There were developed the following technoparks: Kama Industrial Park “Master” and Technopark “Idea-South-East”. The innovation development infrastructure, including “soft”, the most famous program - “Idea-1000”, were also created.    

— Who is the main organizer of this contest - Technopark “Idea” or the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan?

— Everyone has its own role. At the time when Technopark “Idea” opened and the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan created, there was no federal money allocated to the development of infrastructure and innovative projects. In February 2004, Tatarstan President Mintimer Shaimiev challenged us to create 60 companies on annual basis. We are almost succeeded in it. But to achieve this objective it was necessary to launch a mechanism that would allow to involve for the project evaluation not only republican experts in the person of representatives of the RT Academy of Sciences, but also external experts, who would have not just evaluated, but would have provided real help in the project development according to the results of the evaluation.

Technopark “Idea” winning one of the important contest of innovative projects, which took place at Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, represented Kazan in good case (took all the first places). So, we agreed with the Assistance Fund (Moscow) on a joint program and involved the Venture Fund. It would be impossible to do something without such a regional partner. The IVF RT willingly agreed to be a co-investor in this program: it is one thing when the money is attracted only from one of the institutional investors, and quite another when – from several. The expertise level and requirements are quite different - higher.       

—    And is there another level of funding? By many times?

— In two times. The case is not so much the money as the young company development resource, but as the selection principle. It has changed compared with the existed one. And the requirements for the development results have also changed. The program has become a federal and the unique in Russia. Unfortunately, there has not been such matter in other regions. 

At the time Technopark “Idea” was the first Russian technopark accredited in the European Business and Innovation Centre Network, and now we are engaged in the creation of this network across Russia.  


— Why accreditation in Europe is of compulsory need? 

— The main point for Technopark is the service level and the development strategy efficiency. In this case, you need to compete with the best. The competition with each other within the country is of no interest. In addition, some “technoparks” are still practiced in the matter, what is an innovation and what is a technopark. And this nonsense would have continued indefinitely if there were not appeared the European experts. At this stage, a great number of “technoparks” were “cut out”. Such matters require an external expertise. And the European Network is the best global experience, since it has been successfully developing for more than 25 years in the market conditions. The Innovation is the market conditions.      

— What was the purpose for the Network creation?

— The European Network was created by large taxpayers, such as Procter&Gamble, British Steel, Fiat, Philips, the European Space Agency and others. These market sharks compete with other global players. The competition is on the losing side in advance if you do everything by yourself - from feeding your employees to manufacturing mobile devices or satellites. Therefore, large companies have extensive outsourcing program for small companies. Sergey Kogogin in KAMAZ was the first who implemented this idea. He created KIP “Master”, and is currently assembled “KAMAZ” on its conveyor using small business forces. 

Small business always wants to receive a contract from a large company, but at the same time realizes that a large company can swallow it, deprive independence. A large company will outsource everything to be competitive in the market. But it is not easy to depend on a variety of small companies. Therefore, the rules of civilized game are set by professional community of business innovation centres (BICs) - representatives of large and small companies. There is always such a practice in the civilized market - the feedback mechanisms. If small and large companies play by their predetermined rules, then all is well. This interaction leads to growth of the innovation and investment activity in the region. By the way, large companies when consider a possibility for their localization around the world, “land” at the place having conditions for the emergence of many small companies with the necessary competencies on transparent, clear and adequate price.    

Technopark “Idea” localizes such companies as Bank General Electric (Technological Division in Russia), Yokogawa El. and Siemens (Engineering Centres), Bosch (World-wide Engineering Solutions Support Centre). And these companies are not commercial offices, but business support centres. They have chosen Kazan because there are motivated people and small companies that can provide services. A contract with each of them is always an international localization tender, and the rental price is not a priority factor for such companies. The most important thing is an access to human resources and their competencies.

Yes, GE Money Bank has started its activity with a call-centre. Now it is a full-fledged technology centre with its servers, analysts and programmers. By the way, the call-centre services offered by this company are still new for Russia.    

Yokogawa El. and Siemens are actively working with our residents, as well as with those who have already left Technopark “Idea”. For these companies, the work with small companies is the opportunity to promote their product to the market upon implementing customized innovative solutions generated and sold by our residents.    

Why people do not go to Russia as go to Israel, China, Brazil, Korea, the Netherlands? Because we often declare, but do not always do the basic things. For example, at one time there were many discussions why the state should invest in the creation of technoparks? Mainly because the state should promote the creation of jobs and should invest in the business. Now it seems like clear, but the conversation took place – so, it was not obvious. Why you should invest in education? The experience seemed to be, and it is clear, but there is no experience how to implement in the market conditions. We are currently engaged in its development.   

Large companies do not make use of the rental benefits and pay the full market rate. They are free to choose any office centre in Kazan, but choose us. They choose our residents. These companies occupy 35 percent of Technopark “Idea”s territory. The rest - for small companies.    


— Why the EBN Network should be created in Russia?

— It is great to be the first and exclusive, but only the first two days. Then you become the only one, and you are deemed as an exception. And in order to overcome the distrust of large technology players, we have to show the innovation centres network. Technopark “Idea” started to render assistance in the accreditation to other technoparks. Technoparks in Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk received such accreditation, and now we are three all over the country. For the moment. By rendering assistance to others, you gain new opportunities. You have the possibility to create the Technology Partnership Programs in cooperation with EBN.      

— For whom the “Idea”s platform is primarily intended for: youth with ideas or small outsourcing companies, serving global brands?

— For one thing, Technopark “Idea” - is a group of companies. And we have a positive experience in the creation of business incubators, technoparks, industrial parks. Now we are engaged in the development of the Nanotechnology Centre. As for the platform to the address of 50, Str. Peterburgskaya, we have implemented the model which should be based on the interaction between large and small technology companies.    

Every year, about 55 - 65 new companies are created at Technopark “Idea” and upon its programs. Over 1.9 thousand people are currently involved in the Technopark. The average age of the employees is 28. Small companies are based their work on the B2B system, because large business requires their technical solutions. Each such company is several dozens of ideas of the young man who created and developed such a company. Of course, these companies’ clients are not limited only to our anchor residents. They can make money in the market conditions; sell their competence in the market. They are competitive. The clients of our residents are the companies representing such brands as Honda, L'Oreal, “Gazprom”, “Rosneft”, Siemens, Danone, ABBY, VICHY and others.     

We do not impose specialization upon our residents, it has developed evolutionarily: success to success, step by step. We have competence in the automatic process control system design and creation; web- programming; numerical and full-scale experiments in several gas-dynamic processes; mechanics and process engineers; adaptive systems and robotics development. And everyone does business. Our companies do not confine to state contracts. Although the state contracts as the company’s initial development tool, have more serious potential than just cash grants.    


— Tell us about some specific companies.

— We are proud of all our residents at each Technopark “Idea”s development stage. There are always special, non-standard residents. At first it was LLC “GCS” about which many good things have already been said. This is a real success. CEO of GCS Company Ayrat Sabirov is well known, and we demonstrate his success story to young entrepreneurs. Within a few years he was able to create a team of excellent engineers of automatic process control system and get billions return.          

“Technomir” is another example. They are possibly not so large yet, but their competence and approach allowed them to participate in the ESPO oil delivery system. The company has designed a number of oil treatment and flow measurement systems on key flowmeters. The company has always got non-standard solutions. Otherwise large companies, always having someone to carry out orders, would not have cooperated with them.  

The next example is SMART HEAD Company. It is one of the coolest Russian Companies engaged in the development of digital marketing web-applications. When Igor Zilberg, the Company’s founder, meets with students, he recommends to set up a company from the second academic year.

The following example – “Eidos” Company, which started its activity with the development of KAMAZ training simulators. For two years the Company has become a partner of JSC “KAMAZ”. And what is important for any dynamic company, they had a sharp turn: after development of KAMAZ training simulators, they were engaged in the production of medical simulators. Having realized that they actually managed to assemble robot, they developed simulators for laparoscopic surgery, and they have already found their customers, including in America. In the long term - the Turkish market. 


— What is the point about these simulators?

— The point is that these simulators make possible to practice an operation not on humans: all the tools hang “in the air”, but the surgeon’s hands feel everything as if in the human body - such tactile feedback. The surgeon’s sensations needed to be formulated and put in figures, made software, transmitted the signal in the same “softness” on the surgeon's hands. Today it is the coolest competence in the world, and it is bought.  

By the way, the Company residency was coincided with the creation of the Youth Innovation Creativity Centre (YICC) at the territory of Technopark “Idea”. The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation with the support of the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia and Youth Innovative Russia organized the Contest of the YICCs. The application from the entrepreneurs group led by Technopark “Idea” received a support. We have won the contest on the creation of 10 centres in our republic. Now they are operated, and one of them is in Technopark “Idea’. Children create toys and other useful things with their own hands. Generally, the principle “I can do it myself” instead of “I can buy” significantly change the child's attitude toward life and probably determine the trajectory of his development.   

— And what can children do?

— For example, the children from Bogatye Saby took a processor from the Lego-robot and made an automated ducks fattening farm on the basis of this processor. They made “Construction material” with their own hands: something was printed on the YICC’s equipment, and something - hammered. We do in such a way as to children have the skills to create by their own. For printing – they applied the advanced three-dimensional printing technology. The future is in this technology, and it is accessible to children. The children using this technology created a number of missing items according to their plans. 



— Children of what age are accepted to you?  

— From 7 and even younger since we are attended by the whole families, so, older and younger children.   

…But turn back to the “Eidos”. There was one technological problem at KAMAZ: stamps used to create a series of products are not always the same. Sometimes they are a bit worn out, sometimes there is a declination. There is a unique laser. Its creator is Mr. Gapontsev, a founder of IPG Photonocs, can repair these stamps and bring them into conformity with the technology requirements. However, the stamp should be first studied, decided the place and the method of its repair. And then it is necessary to create a program and preset the robot (ideally), which could improve the stamp through the use of this laser. Because of great number of stamps and related problems, it would have been required to write a lot of programs. As a result, developers have created a robot that can explore a stamp, programme and correct a stamp independently. It is resulted in the appearance of an adaptive3-rd generation robot.  

Most likely when they talk about Japan, the information is not new, but who has such competence in our country? I do not mean knowledge. I mean that this robot is already operating. Give it a try and do it yourself! Yes, they applied the existing drive, but they created the program by their own. When working on this task the competence of young man who studied in the YICC the structural features of the human skeleton using 3D scanning proved to be useful. At the same time he worked on a stamp, and the Eidos engineers were able to implement a few ideas when creating an adaptive robot. On the other hand, the student was involved in a real problem. It is of general interest. Here you have the toys! I hope that in the future the student will take classes in a university and apply his competence to solve other problems.  

The YICC’s children have created a ​​3D- printer in the first five months. They were not satisfied with the 3D-printer that was in the YICC’s standard equipment supply, and instead of coming up with a proposal to buy a better one, they made it by their own. A very interesting fact that the 3D-printer creators (schoolchildren and students) met through a social network. They created a community, discussed the matter (now they have more than 5.000 members) and assembled the 3D- printer. And the point is that they have managed to sell it with our help. At present, representatives of universities think of the equipment purchasing possibility for their departments.  

— From whom should we buy this printer? Did you help them to set up the company?

— Our Technopark has become a platform for self-education through the ideas commercialization practice. Developers undergo their project development stages in different ways. One thing remains unchanged: we are always there and we are not bothersome. The 3D-printer creators left us and we did not detain them, because everyone should survive its success where it sees fit.  

— What do you mean by “left”? Were you the founder of the Company?

— No, we were not the founders; the Company has left us in terms of location. But, from our experience, if the team plans to develop the project in further, it just seems that they left us. I will explain the reason. It is necessary not to reduce speed for further success. They managed to do it and the others will manage. If not in Russia, it can be in Brazil. Nothing will stop it. And here you need a partner. The choice is always made by the project initiator. Our task is to save the most important resource of the innovator - time.  


— Do you help start-up companies for free or for money? What cooperation forms, except for the lease, do you have?   

— Of course, we cooperate not for free. But the most important thing for us is to create new competencies at Technopark. And a new competence is not a scientific title, expressed only in the thesis or research paper, but something on the basis of this knowledge. And what is better - made ​​for sale and sold. 

We regulate financial relations with our residents through leasing and consulting contracts to the address of 50, Str. Peterburgskaya. The rental and consulting costs are different. The start-up companies have great benefits. And the older companies have a higher rate. It sounds good, but if the company has no money to pay for it, what is to be done? We need to understand why there is no money? Is it because no one needs their services or products? Or because of the market competence absence? Contributing to the creation of the market competence, we obtain sustainable resident, which in a few years will have spin-off companies for which Technopark “Idea” will be the same cozy haven as for the base company.

When there are many small companies that are actually able to do something, they attract the large business’s interest. And then Technopark as a community of these companies can solve many problems.  

— Can we rent your space being engaged in any business?

— We have limitations: our residents do not have to extract minerals, produce alcohol, open a casino, do retailing, dry cleaning, car washing, and so on. And without violating moral norms and laws of the Russian Federation. And there - in this “corridor’ you may even stand on your head if it brings money. The market put everything in place. The first year we have a very preferential rental rate - 40 percent of the market. But the fact is that there comes a second year with the increase in the rental cost.

— How much?

— Rental rate in the city center – RUB. 1 -1.2 thousand per square meter, including services. Technopark “Idea” has the same price without benefits. If a person can not stand this race, he can leave. But some people remain, because the rent is not a major cost item for them. They consider staff as the main item of expenditure. We transfer such companies from the business incubator to more prestigious site. It would seem that they could go to other business centers in Kazan, but they stay with us, because during the ten years Technopark “Idea” has developed a synergy, when companies execute contracts in partnership, complementing each other. And such collaboration leads to successful solution of many engineering problems.



— What is the source of the most powerful inflow of staff? And does it prove its worth in the project implementation? (Svetlana Shavaleeva)

— In the light of the companies’ specifics located at 50, Str. Peterburgskaya, the most inflow of staff comes from Technology University (KNRTU-KSTU), because it has good system management, automation and programming departments.      

— Maybe because you teach there?

— First guys followed me, but the processes are being currently conducted have no concern with me. It is a good class of graduates, good departments.

The next source of staff - Technical University (KNRTU - KAI). Then – Power Engineering University. There are people from Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, basically from Further Mathematics Department, including not only students and graduate students, but also professors.     

People often ask about the adequacy or inadequacy of the knowledge gained by the company founders during their study at university. Somehow we interviewed successful residents - graduates from different universities: if they made good use of the knowledge gained at educational institution? Most responded that they did not make good use of it. But even so they noted that in high school they were involved in the right environment: they did something for the department, for the faculty, and their competence began to grow. The company activity area does not often coincide with the basic knowledge of its founder. For others, the knowledge gained at the university, were the basis of their business.  

It's great when students become wiser than their teachers even at the training stage: this fact brings to the formation of new competence and knowledge. Of course, another thing, when Professor shows indifference to it - delivers a lecture prepared many years ago, and says goodbye ... But if the teacher looks for an approach to his students and begins to adjust its course for them, then new knowledge is appeared. And it's great! The discrepancy between knowledge and competencies often coincides with a known guru history of technological entrepreneurship and, probably, this fact says nothing about the knowledge level at the universities, and, most likely, that the environment, the working atmosphere and the possibility of engaging in a real job are also of great importance for the university. So, there is such atmosphere in our universities.

— Has Technopark got an interaction with universities?

— As a rule, we sign with universities an agreement “about love and friendship”. It is difficult to cooperate with our universities as with large corporations. There are many restrictions on the part of educational institutions. But students and graduate students are highly motivated to build their career, and we work with them jointly with the university. University is also interested in the successful graduates.   

There are difficulties, including misunderstandings even in this field. Somehow Vice-rector of one of Kazan universities expressed interest in the employment of graduates in large companies. I offered him General Electric, which could employ the entire course of graduate mathematicians. You must admit that it is difficult for mathematicians to find jobs in their field immediately after the graduation. First Vice-rector was glad this perspective, and then abandoned it, thinking that GE could take the best that lead to the collapse of postgraduate study. Since postgraduate training is of great importance for a university. Now select! But the selection was made by graduates. The GE need for staff has not disappeared, and no one has kept graduates. Time had passed, and the leavers came to teach in the department. Here is an example, when everything fell into place: the students are given lectures on topics that are needed for their future profession. The knowledge level is unchanged: a good tradition for the university is of vital importance. There is a mix of tradition and the industry needs. 


— What is the difference between Technopark and ordinary leased production premises? (I.Z. Ilaldinov)

— First, we have no production premises. In general, all of the basic processes in Technopark are based on generating income from the premises leasing. Yes, all of our residents pay rent. But! Let's think, could we do it another way? Should we have gone shares with these companies? Or should we have managed the intellectual property jointly with companies? The worst partner - is the one who does not understand what he does, and goes shares.

— That is, Technopark does not go shares with companies, thus retains its credibility.

— Yes, it does. On the other hand, the rental model was chosen to ensure self-sufficiency. CJSC “Innovational production Technopark “Idea” does not receive money from the budget of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation for its keeping and maintenance. We need to know who our resident is. There are many residents that initially are not able to rent office at the usual rates, and what is more they have many legal and accounting issues in addition to the needs of the office. And they have no money to maintain such specialists right the first time. One initiator can not cope with all the issues. A loss of time, fear, no headway appeared at the first stage could lead to the collapse of the company. Therefore, we render assistance in these issues.    

In Technopark you can rent any premises - small, large, double, with a partition or without it. We permit you not only to install the partition, but also help to do it. At a certain stage, the company comes a point when it needs a partner. And we advise the company a reliable partner among the number of our residents. And such integration in our structure gives the company a rapid growth. And only then the company starts to pay rent without benefits.

Once again: if Technopark “Idea”, located at 50, Str. Peterburgskaya, worked just as an office centre on the basis of discounts and our team acted only as the commandant at the hostel, then, we, due to the lack of residents meeting our restrictions, would have been asked for budget money and would have been empty. The fact is that it’s extremely difficult to find such residents, and the commandant is not supposed to display activity and create the conditions (other than rent), which led to the creation of new companies. Therefore the Technopark team works as a business development partner. All our initiatives have been implemented only because they are aimed at the development of small enterprises. And they are also based on the understanding that companies need for active growth. For other information on Technopark you may refer to our residents.  

— How to pay for your lawyers and accountants services? Is it a separate charge?

— It’s a separate charge. And not just for lawyers and accountants. These services are essential for any company. Yes, people may have misunderstandings with the tax, funders, partners, and customers. There are all sort of things happened ... We help to get outside of the problem. We may provide with any consulting. And not only Technopark makes money in it. The matter is that when a respectable person does something for the first time, then he may have misunderstandings with all those involved in the process. If nobody renders him a qualified assistance, these misunderstandings can escalate into something bad. And at that case not so much Technopark, as a management company, but the business community who have already passed through “childhood diseases” plays a major role. And can save from making stupid things.

Consulting is good when it is available. It's not so much the money, but the consulting quality and usefulness. The company development consulting is the most popular consulting. It includes the following areas: partners involvement, business competence development, business plan preparation, marketing, intellectual property evaluation, prototyping and first website development and others.  



— How many residents and anchor residents do you have as of today?

— We always have about 104 - 110 companies, 6 of which are large companies: Bosh, GE Money Bank, Yokogawa, Honeywell, Siemens and Panasonic.

— And what is the largest one?

— GE Money Bank. The Company started its activity with a call-centre, and today it has the localization at our site the entire banks support technological department across Russia, including risk analysis department that needs mathematics.

— What is your total area of ​​the premises and how many premises are occupied as of today?

— The total area is 29.000 square meters, and all the premises are always completely occupied.

—    Do you mean that today it is not possible to rent out the premises?  

— It is possible. We work as a conveyor. About 600-700 actual jobs are created in Technopark on an annual basis, with wages higher than the average salary in the republic. If 700 new jobs are created of 1.9 thousands, then Technopark is annually updated by one third. Some companies grow up and leave, others come to replace them. Most of them left us for “Himgrad”, KIP “Master”, Technopark “Idea-South-East”, and other business centres. And some of them built their own office in the city centre.   

— Can you count at least approximate number of your residents’ employees?  

— In all our statistical estimation we count only those who work directly on the site. Many companies have several branches in other cities. Should we count them? We consider only those who have access to the site by cards; that is about 1.9 thousand people. As a rule, small companies have about 10 staff members.  


— And what was the total revenue from all companies?

— This is also an interesting indicator for counting: should we count it inclusive of branches? If we wished to dramatically increase it, we probably would have counted it inclusive of branches, or organized a warehouse with a large turnover at the site of Technopark. But we have no warehouses. We have workspace for small companies: a table, a chair and a computer.  

We have not just laid down revenue from all the companies. First, we select only those who work at Technopark’s site. Second, we identify the companies’ income structure. And in most cases, we have come to the conclusion that companies do not particularly ‘like” profit. According to one business guru (a founder and co-owner of a multinational company): “Profit is a byproduct of the company”. Small developing companies have the place to invest money for their development. Therefore, we focus on the fact that conditionally there is no profit. Then there are just wages, rent and 5 percent on top. If you have such an approach, then you can count heads.  .

In the last year, the total revenue from Technopark’s residents was RUB 7 billion. We can see wages in small resident companies – they provide us with statements. I express my gratitude to the owners and heads of resident companies for the quarterly provision of information on wages, output and patents number. It is important that we do the matter of great concern, and the success of Technopark consists of its residents’ success.  

— And what is the dynamics?

— It is an interesting point as well. Two years ago, we found out that the revenue goes in cycles. It happened because large companies have grown and left, and small companies took their place, so the total revenue fell. Later it increased again.  

— The Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan and Tatarstan Investment Development Agency are also localized at your site. Are they renters as well?  How many spaces do they occupy?   

— Yes, they are our renters. They occupy 3.5 percent of the total area.

— What is the rate?

— This is commercial information. They pay more than small companies, but little less than the market. The other matter is of great concern. The relations with these structures are not based on the rental rate; we work in close cooperation since we are all engaged in the same work. The Venture Fund finances various activities related to small companies’ promotion in the market and implements grant programs. I hope they are in an advantageous position to track technology trends, potential customers. And customers do not mind. Expert community for the evaluation of projects in Technopark “Idea” has grown in the face of successful companies. It is also useful.   



— Why don’t you have current financial statements on your website? What are you hiding from us? (Airat)

— Technopark “Idea” was Joint Stock Company (JSC) until 2010, therefore our statements were posted on our website under “Disclosure of Information”, as intended for JSC. When we took investment from Rusnano, we became Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC). But we continue to publish statements on our website, only in the other section – ‘Key Performance Indicators”. In this section, figures are constantly updated, indicating all receipts and expenditures. The annual revenue from CJSC “IPT “Idea” does not any longer fall below RUB.100 million.   

— What is the share of revenue that is not related to premises rental?

— Consulting contains about 10-15 percent of the operating revenue. However, income from mergers and acquisitions deals (which is another aspect of Technopark “Idea”s activity) will cover the entire operating revenue for 10 years.    

— Are these services related to your residents only?

— Not only. Our clients are as follows: universities, large and small companies who are not residents of Technopark. The most important thing - this activity brings new competencies and good partnership since universities do not interact through “treaties of friendship” and through the exchange of professors, master classes, lectures.  

— Does Technopark have a large team?

— We have 32 workplaces, but work less. Our shareholders are strict ... 



— After your Company have been invested by Rusnano, what was changed in the equity holding structure?  

— JSC “Rusnano” owns 46 percent of the shares of the Company, one share belongs to the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs of “Rusnano”, the remaining shares are divided equally between JSC “Tatneftehiminvest-holding” and Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan.    

— What areas are occupied by “Rusnano” structures?

-Since recently “Rusnano” structures occupy 2.1 thousand square meters. It’s the Technopark’s investment in the “Rusnano” project. These areas are also intended for small partner companies – LLC “Technology Transfer Centre”. It is sufficiently. It’s a challenge for us, because the rate is very, very preferential. The Technopark model has been successfully working since 2007, and should we calm down? No! We realize that we have a good engineering school, maybe the best in Russia. But there is no room for complacency, because we understand that there are the coolest technoparks in the world, whose residents earn a 1.5 - 2 times more.      

Why had none of our companies jumped higher? Because there is no such intellectual property that may be said “Ah!” What is the reason? What education, staff and equipment are you applying to create it? What are you doing to attract the foreign developers’ attention? Nothing! And the creation of infrastructure to improve the situation entails enormous costs. Tatarstan, perhaps, has got such amount, but to spend the money alone, without a partner is a high risk. And such a partner became - JSC “Rusnano” (at that moment SC “Rusnano”). The contest for Nanotechnology Centres creation was announced as open. This is a very useful piece of the puzzle to change the situation, and we went into this project.      

“Rusnano” invested money in JSC “Innovational production Technopark “Idea”. The first Russian Centre under the program was opened in Technopark “Idea” in November 2012. The total number of such centres, created under the “Rusnano” “umbrella”, is 12. The project is characterized by very strict performance indicators, but we are still engaged in this project. We have purchased equipment for part of the investment funds. Another part has been accumulated and is currently waiting for new projects. Treatment of investment funds is under special control. LLC “Technology Transfer Centre”, where JSC “Rusnano” acts as a majority shareholder, is a resident of Technopark “Idea”. So, for the Centre we purchase equipment for the development of projects.   

— What is the project price?

— Twice USD 48 million. JSC “Rusnano” invested money, JSC “Tatneftehiminvest-holding” and Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan entered the property complex.



— What should appear in the end?    

— For those who engaged in venture financing, the main thing - not only invest, but then pick up with income. Therefore, it is necessary to sign an investment agreement with the project initiators. Under the agreement, they either return the money or lead a new partner. If the company has generated such a profit that when dividing the dividend the ”Technology Transfer Centre” could return the money invested in the project and get out of it. The matter is about how to not just give money, but to bring back and with certain returns.    

— What is the main point of the project - just to earn? Or maybe get some nanoproduct? Shall we touch something by our hands? 

— I understand that there will be a lot of questions, so I want to explain ... “Concord” and Tu -144 look similar, but “Concord’ made ​​money, and Tu -144 – did not. Although, for that time the technologies of both were and remain fantastic. Unfortunately, these technologies even now cannot be reproduced. But not only technological solutions are highly appreciated around the world. They are to be sold and brought the money. So, when we talk about the innovation, we ought to realize that not only technical and technological solutions are of great concern, but it should bring the money.  

Therefore, the “Rusnano” project is not implemented “at any price”, it is focused on the creation of new technologies making the money. When the topic is about the innovation, the financial side of the issue is often forgotten. Of course, the projects must be new. But much have been said about it.

— What shall we obtain in the end — technologies or ideas?

— Technologies, products, licenses, small businesses. Everything must return the invested money. The point is that: everything is to return money. For most it’s a new challenge! It should be created so that it earns for investors.  

— What new products and technologies are to be appeared?  

— It is clear, the word “nano” has become very popular...

— It has already taken a dirty meaning...

— In fact, we do not notice so many things. For example, “Danaflex” (a resident of Technopolis “Himgrad”) is engaged in the packaging production (based on the foil properties), making possible to reheat the products in a microwave in not unwrapping condition. You must admit the fact of its convenience. Pharmaceutical drugs, wrap, plastic bottles, all kinds of iPads, iPhones, cosmetics, yogurt – all of these are nanotechnologies. They surround us. The one thing - to talk about it, the other - to work on it.

Nanotechnology makes possible to do usual devices in miniature forms, to change over to clean materials, to harden plastic properties and others. So, the nano-product technologies are geared to the market. For what reason is to swear? Sometimes you need to get away from emotions and accept as the fact that our country and we are all the participants in the turnover of nanotechnology products. There are just a lot of those who (once) had the relation to this modern word. But it has always been. 



— Who is involved in the Nanotechnology Centre? What is a staff?  

— The Nanotechnology Centre consists of two subjects: CJSC “IPT “Idea” and LLC “Technology Transfer Centre”. I tell about the Technopark, and as for LLC “TTC” you may refer to its General Director Dmitry Pashin. It will be correct.    

— What is the most interesting product in the Centre, in your opinion?

— I know there are many various projects in LLC “TTC”. They have already made prototypes for some of them, but it would be better if Mr. Pashin tells about these projects and the prospects by himself. I can tell you about the fiberglass reinforcement that we produced in Technopark “Idea-South-East” jointly with our partners – “Tatneft” and “Tatneftehiminvest-holding”. This turned out cheaper than iron. We have already obtained a license. As for the reinforcement, it is already used in construction due to its cheapness and reliability. Yes, it can not be used for arched construction, but it can be used for the walls, floors, curbs, road. It took only three months from the production opening to the application of the reinforcement.     

— Who is the manufacturer of the reinforcement?

— “Armastek-Idea”, a resident of Technopark “Idea-South-East”. It is important that the competence has already mastered. There is a possibility for producing the competence based gas cylinders, buggies, golf clubs. And this a new market!

It’s a popular misconception that innovative company needs a lot of money. It needs the unique knowledge! And now the unique knowledge is associated with new global technologies. If you have knowledge and skills in this area, the technological niche turns a fantastic way. You can earn very serious money. 



— How do you think: what innovative idea is the most important during Technopark “Idea”s lifetime? (Rustem)  

— Technopark “Idea” - not a single event, we are in the process of development. In 2007, we considered GCS as the most significant company. It is our resident that has grown up in a large company, has built its own building in the city centre and left our site.  

Then LLC “STP” (Viktor Fafurin) has been organized and grown up. The company develops the measurement methods, composes GOSTs and gas measurement standards for the entire CIS. They have created a unique gas and hydrodynamic laboratory.

Then “Eidos” appeared about which I have already told you.

After that the fiberglass reinforcement, 3D-printer... Today I am “getting started” not from the project but from its technology in an open mode through the social networks. Now many projects are implemented in this mode because it is efficiently.  

Creation of project teams appears to be interesting. Antoine de Saint-Exupery said that there were two possible approaches in construction of the ship. First - teach people to read drawings, send them to the forest and teach to chip and saw, and they will build you the ship that might float. There is a second approach: tell people about the sea. About its strength and beauty. And people will make the best ship that has ever existed.

This approach is used worldwide. And it is a challenge to the modern management. How to manage a staff that very quickly becomes wiser than its director? We need only follow Ford’s solution. He said: I am not a man of intelligence, but I am surrounded by and I work with the wisest people, and the most important thing is not disturb them. This is a success key for young technology company.


— What is the competitive advantage of IPT “Idea” over other technoparks and similar structures? How do you maintain and develop it? (Irek Galyamov)

— Why do they refer to us? First of all, our slogan is: we have at a cheaper price. Cheaper - does not mean bad, it means understandable costs. And if consider the fact that the majority of our population has no startup capital, inherited from the parents, for their business initiation, then this factor becomes one of the defining. So, you may refer to us and make your business at a quick pace.

Recently a mentor of Technology Entrepreneurship Centre “Digital Otober” Peter Tatischev has counted the cost for startup creation in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tomsk and other cities. The calculation included the rent fee, the programmer and designer services. Moscow and St. Petersburg - are expensive even in specialized centers. In addition, there is hard to find people motivated to work. The cheapest ones are Tomsk and Tbilisi. We are a little more expensive than Tomsk.

As a result, Tomsk and Kazan, i.e., Technopark “Idea” turned out the best places in Russia. This points to the fact that we have available infrastructure and IT staff. The result is a good business development in Tomsk and Kazan. And it should be noted: there is a lot of PR, but we need to see what is behind it: are there real businesses and people? There are such people and business in Tomsk and Kazan. The process activity exists.  There are active in this process.  

Of course, such evaluation method is not perfect, but it may easily go for an express analysis.

The main point is a community of successful entrepreneurs, which has grown over the 10 years. You are always successful in their company. Technopark - a community. People, their competence - a pledge of successful rapid growth of the company.  


— By what criteria do you evaluate the prospects for the proposed projects? What technical and economical workup should the proposed project have? Is it possible to refer to you only with the project idea? (Timur Asadullin)   

— It is possible to refer to us with anything. The market will determine.

— In this issue, Technopark is confused with the Venture Fund, isn’t it? 

— It is possible, because the IVF RT has its own criteria for evaluating projects. I'm talking about the other thing: Technopark “Idea” - it's more than just a building. It is a partnership! The reason is that we have a lot of business angels, venture funds, development institutions around us. And we have competence in cooperation: we have been invested by Russian Venture Company, “Rusnano”, private investors and foreign companies. This means we have joint contracts and the results of teamwork. 

You can refer to us with any idea. We can check, suggest and direct. But we do not act as the experts determining what is good and what is bad. After all, many of the items - a lamp, clip, pen - once confessed hopeless. But there was a man who implemented the idea.

There are convenient indicators that can monitor the business development. For example, what the company area is. If the company took and still takes 5 square meters, then what can be said about its development? In general, such a company dies over time. When a company needs more and more areas, it creates new places, so, it has money and it has found its niche in the market. We render such companies assistance with great pleasure. Of course, it is not exhaustive, but it works.  

— Is it possible to sell or promote the idea with the help of Technopark “Idea”? I offer to set stop signals not only to rear but also to front of the vehicle. It is of vital importanc

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