27 december 2013

Contemporary issues and trends of Bologna process, global and regional approaches to enhancing the quality of higher education and international experience in innovative companies’ business incubation and launch to the world market were discussed in Kazan on December 24-26, 2013. The discussion was held in the framework of the Scientific Workshop “Microeconomics” (Advanced level) and “Macroeconomics” (Advanced level) teaching methods and content under the new Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) for students with the specialization in the “Oil and Gas Engineering”. The Workshop was attended by over 150 people. The Workshop teachers are as follows: associated professors of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, University of Maryland, California and other U.S. universities, as well as Israel and other countries. Upon completion of the Workshop, the students were given certificates.    

The Workshop is organized by Kazan National Research Technological University and Innovational and production Technopark “Idea”.  

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