23 january 2014

Today at Technopark “Idea” heads of the Program “Creation of the Youth Innovation Creativity Centres Network (YICC) in Tatarstan and Bashkortostan” have agreed on research-and-technology and educational cooperation. The Agreement was signed by Head of the Project “Creation of the Youth Innovation Creativity Centres Network (YICC) in the Republic of Tatarstan” Nicholay Nasonov and Director of the Youth Innovation Creativity Centre “Innovation Laboratory” Elena Islamova.        

The Agreement will join efforts to strengthen inter-regional cooperation in the development and support of research-and-technology and innovation creativity, creation of an effective system for engineering personnel reproduction and training.

Nicholay Nasonov noted that the main objectives of the YICC are as follows: teaching children to think creatively, sharing information between Russian and foreign centres, rendering services to innovative companies. "In Tatarstan, YICCs are combined into a single network with a common methodological basis and ideology. We have a project approach: you can see how the project is being worked on throughout the whole period of time. Thus, the child and his parents realize that it's not a toy, but a serious contribution to the development of personality. Our 3D-printer project can be cited as an example of it. The youth came to our centre, made ​​a prototype, conducted an advertising campaign, found an investor, and now set up production in "Campus Navigator". An engineering environment, where concerned people communicate with each other, is formed in such a way. “Our Republic is currently engaged in the implementation of robotics, which will allow us to do modern robots. And soon we will represent the project to the public”, - said Nasonov.    

Elena Islamova explained her interest in the visit to Technopark: the YICC "Idea" is one of the most successful, bright and interesting representatives of the Youth Innovation Creativity Centres. The main goal of the visit: exchange of experience and familiarization with the activities of the Youth Innovation Creativity Centre "Idea", expansion of the YICC Network in Bashkortostan.

To the point, Tatarstan has become one of the 13 regions where created 10 YICCs. The first Russian Youth Innovation Creativity Centre (the YICC “Idea”) was opened in Kazan at Innovational and production Technopark “Idea” on February 27, 2013. To date, there are 10 YICCs in the Republic, two centres of which are located in Kazan, by one in Zelenodolsk, Chistopol, Leninogorsk, Bugulma, Naberezhnye Chelny, Drozhannoe and Bogatye Saby rural areas. All centres are equipped with the required modern universal equipment and can be used for both purposes: educational and technical support for innovative projects (prototyping). Tatarstan centres, since opening, have been admitted by more than 5,000 children who enrolled on a unique program “Public Technical Creativity Workshop”. Schoolchildren and students have the opportunity to implement their ideas using modern universal equipment. The brightest developments of the YICC’s students are 3D-printer and the project “Educational blocks”.  

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