11 february 2014

The development of technoparks and industrial sites in Tatarstan have been today discussed at a briefing held at the RT Cabinet of Ministers.  

The briefing was attended by Aide to Tatarstan President for Economic Affairs Ayrat Khayrullin, RT Deputy Prime Minister - Tatarstan Informatization and Communication Minister Roman Shaykhutdinov, Tatarstan Deputy Minister of Economy, Head of Business Support Department, Rustem Sibgatullin, Chief Executive Officer of CJSC “Innovational production Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko, Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC “Himgrad” Albert Karimov.       

“The creation and development of the infrastructure of small and medium-sized enterprises, technoparks, industrial parks is an important element for the entrepreneurship development”, - said in the beginning of his speech, Tatarstan Deputy Minister of Economy, Head of Business Support Department Rustem Sibgatullin.

“The private industrial parks state support program was implemented for the first time in 2013 within the framework of the annual contest held by Russian Ministry of Economic Development - the speaker said. - Himgrad and Master parks have received RUB. 400 million within the pilot project for support of industrial parks”.  

Moreover, the republic’s budget allocated RUB. 26.2 million to Tyulyachi industrial park infrastructure construction. “Plans for up to 2018 include creating 900 workplaces and generating annual tax payments of about RUB. 180 million”, Sibgatullin stated.  

Deputy Minister, at the completion of his speech, added that in 2014, the work on the creation and development of industrial sites in the municipalities will be continued.  

“Currently, 53 industrial sites of various degrees of completion operate in the republic. About ten of those show a growth dynamic,” Rustem Sibgatullin emphasized. This year, the sites will be audited for development and capacity indicators. “Our task is keeping them away from being dead zones” - he concluded.  

“We should know growth points. Small and medium-sized business begins with municipal districts. And entrepreneurs should have the necessary information, access to the infrastructure in order to efficiently operate at their sites - said Assistant to the President Ayrat Khayrullin. - We need to create an environment where production is economically viable, where entrepreneurs have the access to the markets and to capital”.

Assessing last year’s results, Ayrat Khayrullin pointed out that there were six industrial parks, nine technoparks and five business incubators in the republic in 2013. A total income amounted to RUB. 95 billion. “It shows that there is a direct financial result, - he said. - Apart from the republic-wide projects, each region needs to have its own sites where an entrepreneur with a business plan can get the basic infrastructure within the shortest possible term”.  

In addition, Aide to Tatarstan President reported that Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov will take part in the opening of phase one of the private hardware technopark Navigator Campus on February, 15, 2014.  

Sergey Yushko, summing up the results of the outgoing year, stated that Technopark “Idea” started its activity with the opening of Innovation Business Incubator on February 5, 2004. The “Idea” has become a financially self-sustaining organization since 2007. As of year-end 2013, Technopark "Idea" in its category made the list of the Top 15 European Business and Innovation Centres along with Sweden innovation centres, which models has implemented in its development. According to the results of international tenders, the TOP-10 global brand’s technological divisions are localized at Technopark “Idea” as anchor residents.       

According to Sergey Yushko, Technopark’s resident companies are competitive and popular on the world market. Holders of more than 90 multinational brands are the customers and end users of the companies’ services. Thus, the resident companies have executed the contract, developed and created the oil treatment and flow measurement project “ESPO” (Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean).  

“10% of the total natural gas exported from Russia to Europe is sold through the innovative technology based metering unit, designed and created by residents of Technopark”, - the “Idea” CEO stated.   

 TechnoparkIdeaPress Office adapted from IATatar-inform” 

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