17 february 2014

Today, Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov has chaired a meeting of the Board of Directors of JSC “Tatneftekhiminvest-Holding” at Tatarstan Cabinet of Ministers. The meeting was devoted to the consideration of a number of promising proposals for the economy of the Republic of Tatarstan.    

Professor of Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry (Kazan Research Centre, the RAS) Marsil Kadirov reported on the fuel elements development prospects. He recalled the notion of the hydrogen economy was formed in the mid 1970s. Regarding the hydrogen advantages as an energy carrier, he pointed out its unlimited resources and ease of transportation.  

For instance, transferring electricity for 500 km through the power supply lines is 10 times more expensive than transporting the hydrogen with equal energy potential through the line pipes. Also, hydrogen’s performance efficiency is three times higher than that of gasoline. It is the best energy accumulator, very environmentally friendly, since it does not contain carbon. For a start, it is offered to use the hydrogen sources for power generation at remote sites.  

“However, in Russia, there is an established opinion that this direction of power economy is not viable”, - Kadirov reported. According to professor, replacing precious metals for cheap catalysts presents a major challenge. Kazan scientists suggest ways for solving this problem, but a small, specialized centre is required.

Rustam Minnikhanov expressed his opinion that hydrogen economy will be relevant in the nearest future, and, judging by the US car manufacturing trends, the whole principle of the motor engineering may change. Tatarstan President recommended studying international expertise and looking for partnerships.

Sergey Smirnov, General Director of LLC “United Production Company “Initsiativa”, FOAMGLAS’ exclusive representative in Russia, reported on the foamed glass and aerogel-based heat-insulation constructions. According to the speaker, the material is non-flammable, steam and water-proof, acid-resistant and serviceable. It is used for heat-insulation, in particular, low-temperature and cryogenic equipment. At the same time it does not require a vapor barrier - it stays dry in the winter and summer.

Organizing the production of the unique material in Yelabuga is being considered. For this purpose Tatarstan has rich raw material base.  

Rustam Minnikhanov, noting that the country is a major consumer of heat-insulation materials, pointed to the need to change to new types. The Head of the republic commissioned calculating economic viability of setting up such a production in Tatarstan.

CEO of CJSC “Innovational production Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko reported on the results of 10 years of the Technopark’s activity. He stated that RUB. 760 million invested in the technopark’s infrastructure were reimbursed in 2010. Currently, the “Idea” counts 105 companies employing 1,805 people with the average salary of RUB. 28 thousand.  

In 2013, the Company’s Board of Directors approved 25 start-up projects, 10 development works, 13 project companies for a total amount of investment equaling RUB. 500 million.

Rustam Minnikhanov recalled that it all began on the site of the bankrupt plant, and today there is a high-tech enterprise, the republican intellectual centre. He approved and suggested to develop the youth’s technical creativity area in further.  

Deputy Head of the Federal Security Service Department of the Russian Federation in Tatarstan Oleg Nazarov reported on the measures to improve anti-terrorist protection of petrochemical facilities in Tatarstan.   

The meeting also considered issues of preparation for annual Tatneftekhiminvest-Holding’s shareholders meeting.

IA "Tatar-inform"

Photos from prav.tatar.ru

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