20 february 2014

Today Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov has congratulated management and staff of CJSC “Innovational production Technopark “Idea” on the 10th anniversary of its foundation. A solemn event took place at Technopark “Idea” (50, Peterburgskaya Str., Kazan).

 The event was attended by Executive Director of the Russian Association for Direct and Venture Investment Albina Nikkonen, Director of Technical Assistance Department of Qualification Committee of the European Business and Innovation Centers Network Giordano Dichter,  Chairman of Board of Directors of Technopark “Idea” Ravil Muratov and other guests.

CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko addressed the event participants with a welcome speech.  
Rustam Minnikhanov, in his turn, reminded that representatives of Tatarstan studied the world’s experience in creation of similar innovative platforms in the early 2000-s, and they were surprised more than believed that such technoparks could appear in the republic. Then it seemed like a fairytale, but today the fairytale became a reality, he said. Rustam Minnikhanov especially thanked the first director of Technopark “Idea” Denis Muratov. 

At present, Tatarstan is one of the most advanced regions in terms of creation of innovative infrastructure, Rustam Minnikhanov continued. He also reminded that “Idea” is the first technopark in Russia which became an accredited member of Business and Innovation Center of European Union (BIC-EU) and joined the International Network (EBN).

Rustam Minnikhanov presented state awards of the Republic of Tatarstan to Technopark “Idea” CEO Sergey Yushko (the title “Honoured worker of Informatization and Communication of the Republic of Tatarstan”), Director of Economics and Finances of Technopark “Idea”, Chairman of Board of Directors of JSC “Himgrad” Albert Karimov (the title “Honoured Economist of the Republic of Tatarstan), Adviser to JSC “Russian Railways” Denis Muratov (Letter of Gratitude of Tatarstan President) and others.     

 Tatarstan President's Press Office photo and text (

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