3 june 2014

Today the First competition of young talents in computer graphics has been held in Technopark “Idea” in Kazan. Competent jury which included heads of resident companies of Technopark “Idea”, teachers of Kazan National Research Technological University (Kazan State Technological University) and representatives of Young Innovative Creativity Centers (YICC) judged more than 20 projects.

During the contest participants of the competition - students of elementary courses of KNRTU-KSTU - presented projects describing an operation principle of manual water pump, tank of Leonardo da Vinci, hand winch mechanisms and the Stirling engine. As noted by the participants themselves, the contest helps develop and promotes the practical integration of 3D-technology (scanning, prototyping, design) in their projects and developments.

Resident company of Technopark “Idea” - “Innovation Solutions Technologies” LLC - entering in the Group of Companies “ABS3D”, one of the brightest players in the domestic market of 3D equipment, provided access for participants to 3D printers and scanners in its showroom (it is the largest in the Volga region) for approbation of their projects and growing prototypes of different parts and elements involved in the presented projects.

Managing partner of the Group of Companies “ABS3D” Oleg Spichkin noted that participants of the competition with the right approach and attention from teachers will become bright parts of scientific and technological potential of Tatarstan and the country as a whole.

As results of the contest, students received advices from industry practitioners to transform their projects. Also, members of the jury were determined winning projects.

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