2 june 2014

An operation principle of manual water pump, tank of Leonardo da Vinci, hand winch mechanisms, the Stirling engine and many others will be presented by students of elementary courses of Kazan National Research Technological University (Kazan State Technological University) within the framework of the First competition of young talents in computer graphics. The contest will be held on June 3, 2014 in Technopark “Idea”.

The competition organized by KNRTU (KSTU) and Technopark “Idea” will be attended by students of 1-2 courses of KNRTU (KSTU) who modeled objects and mechanisms in special computer programs. Some of samples will be made on 3D printers directly during the competition.

According to one of organizers of the event, CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko, the contest is held for a practical training of students. “A very good theoretical base is given in our universities that should be supported by good practical knowledge”, - said Sergey Yushko. During the competition students will present their projects and developments, and members of a jury which will also include heads of residents’ companies of Technopark “Idea” will appreciate works. Authors of the best projects may be invited to practice in companies with a view to their future employment.

A general partner of the contest will be a resident company of Technopark “Idea”, “Innovation Solutions Technologies” LLC, entering in the Group of Companies “ABS3D”, one of the brightest players in the domestic market of 3D equipment. It will provide access for participants to 3D printers and scanners in its showroom (it is the largest in the Volga region) for approbation of their projects and growing prototypes of different parts and elements involved in the presented projects.

Managing partner of the Group of Companies “ABS3D” Oleg Spichkin noted that participation in such events is important for the company as in order to promote 3D technologies and its advancement in the educational environment, and also for obtaining live feedback from students about needs and problems within their scientific, technical and research activities. “It is important that guys are developed and are active participants of the practical integration of 3D technologies (scanning, prototyping, design) in their own projects and developments”, - said Oleg Spichkin. “Our task is to bring progressive and technically interested youth that 3D technologies in the modern developing world today is no longer just means of achieving “wow-effect”, as an effective mechanism for practical applications in many industries and scientific researches”, - added Oleg Spichkin. “Participants of the competition with the right approach and attention from teachers will become bright parts of scientific and technological potential of Tatarstan and the country as a whole”, - said Oleg Spichkin.

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