18 june 2014

X Republican contest “Fifty Best Innovative Ideas of the Republic of Tatarstan” is gaining momentum. The selection of projects for implementation of the program of innovative projects “Idea-1000” is continuing within the framework of the contest. Innovative projects with high innovation and market potential and interesting to investors are being selected on the competition.

Winners of the contest are determined in three categories:

  • “Youth Innovation project”
  • “START – I”
  • “START – II”

In the category “Youth Innovation Project” up to 40 applications for the applied research are selected. Winners of this category receive the parity financing in the amount of up to 220 thousand rubles from the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan (IVF RT) and up to 220 thousand rubles from the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology (FASIE).

The competitive selection for this category takes into account the following:

  • scientific and technical novelty;
  • an applicant’s age is to 28 years old;
  • a possibility of commercialization of a project results in the medium term perspective (5-6 years).

In the category “START-I” up to 30 applications are selected to carry out R&D, design and experimental work that meet the requirements of participation in the program “START” of FASIE.

Winners of this category receive the parity funding for the project implementation in the amount of up to 1 million rubles from IVF RT and up to 1 million rubles from FASIE.

In the category “START-II” up to 5 applications are selected. Projects in this category must meet the requirements of the program “START” (second year) of FASIE.

Winners of the program category “START-II” receive the parity funding for the project implementation in the amount of up to 2 million rubles from IVF RT and up to 2 million rubles from FASIE. It must be presented a business plan of a project that meets the requirements of FASIE to participate in the contest selection in the category “START-II”.

Organization, holding and summarizing the competitive selection is carried out by the Organizing Committee of the Program.

Deadline for submission is October 15, 2014. Information about time, order and conditions of the program holding, results of competitive selection of projects are hosted on websites of IVF RT ( and Technopark “Idea” (

Summarizing the competitive selection and announcement of winners of the Program are carried out in the period up to December 30, 2014.

We would note that the program is organized in Tatarstan in 2006 by the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology, Technopark “Idea” and the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan.

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