2 june 2014

Global open competition of innovation in the field of the Internet of Things Cisco IoT Innovation Grand Challenge is gathering pace.

The goal of the competition is to recognize, promote and reward innovators, entrepreneurs and early-stage startup businesses dealing with issues of the Internet of Things.

We invite to take part young entrepreneurs and innovators from Russia and CIS countries.

Submissions must be entered into one of five categories:

-  development of applications for businesses and end users;

-  video analytics;

-  device management including sensors;

-  network infrastructure;

-  the Internet connection of objects to each other.

We are waiting for your submissions in English until July 1, 2014.

Prizes: the total amount of grants is US $250,000, mentoring and other kinds of support.

Winners will be announced in October at the Global Forum on the Internet of Things – 2014 in Chicago.

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