26 june 2014

Today there were told about the opportunities provided by Technopark “Idea” for the residents, programs, a victory in which allows financing of startup projects, to representatives of Australia in Technopark “Idea”.

Guests arrived in Tatarstan within the travel route of the train “Golden Eagle”: Moscow - Kazan - Yekaterinburg - Novosibirsk - Irkutsk – Baikal Lake - Ulan-Ude – Ulan-Bator - Vladivostok.

“Golden Eagle” is the first private tourist train of “luxury” class in Russia. According to the rating of the Society of International Railway Travelers, “Golden Eagle” is among the top 25 trains of the world. In a short time the train became the most famous Russian travel brand abroad and leader in the transportation of foreign tourists on the railways of Russia and Asia. “Golden Eagle” began run in 2007. Approximate travel time along the route of Australian delegates is 15 days.

During the visit the delegates acquainted with the activities of Technopark and actively asked their questions about Technopark working with startup projects. The great interest from professor of one university of Australia was caused the activity of successful resident companies of “Idea” and success stories.

After the visit some of the delegates expressed their desire for further information cooperation with the “Idea”, particularly, in the last quarter of 2014 is supposed to visit the mass media of USA, Australia, Europe and Asia in Technopark “Idea”.

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