27 june 2014

Today Executive Director of Haier Company in Russia Sun Zhenhua has visited Technopark “Idea”. The guest was accompanied by Director of the company Intera Sergey Osipyan.

During the visit Director of Innovation of Technopark “Idea” Oleg Ibragimov told the guest about the history of the Technopark’s creation, the possibilities provided by “Idea” for the development of high-tech companies. As well as during the visit Sun Zhenhua got to know activities of residents: in Innovative and Technological Center he got acquainted with the activity of company “Eidos”, and in Business Center of the Technopark – with digital-production company “SmartHead”.

Representatives of “Eidos” told that started its activities in 2010 with the release of car simulator, currently the company is not only developing cars and flight simulators, simulators for emergency services, military equipment and navigation, but also develops two directions - development and production of medical simulators and robotics.

Sun Zhenhua particular interests a robot of third-generation, developed by “Eidos”. The guest was explained that the robot independently analyzes the state of metalworking dies and develops a program to restore it using a laser.

Director of “SmartHead” Igor Zil'berg and Development Director Maxim Busarev told Sun Zhenhua about the market of digital-marketing in Russia and the role of “SmartHead” on it. Residents of the Technopark also presented to the guest their performance, showing video cases of projects for international brands which made ​​by the company.

For information:

Haier is a Chinese company, producing home appliances. It was founded in 1984. Today the company is the largest manufacturer of high-tech appliance, representing 96 model series and 15, 000 models of products: LCD-TVs, plasma screens, DVD-players, mobile phones, laptops, washing machines, dishwashers, refrigerators, microwave ovens, air conditioners and other .

Haier branded products are successfully sold in more than 160 countries.

The company's turnover is more than $17 billion. Haier shares are placed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Haier owns 9,738 patents (including, for example, in 2009 the company received 943 patents). Haier has been actively involved in the development of international standards for different classes of vehicles - it has already 447 international quality standards.

Today the company has 20 own design institutes and 10 industrial complexes, not only in China but also in Europe and the USA. In addition, Haier owns 29 factories, 58,800 trade representations and about 12 thousand after-sales service centers, which employ 50 thousand employees around the world.

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