1 july 2014

The 4th All Russian Summer School “Nanograd-2014” started in Tolyatti, organized by the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs, Autonomous non-profit educational organization “School League” and a number of industrial enterprises and ministries of the Samara region, in the first place – Ministry of Education and Science.

Chief Executive Officer of the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs Andrey Svinarenko and Minister of Economic Development, Investments and Trade of the Samara region Alexander Kobenko took part in the opening ceremony.

This year residents of Nanograd are about 350 people, including 172 schoolchildren from 15 regions of the country and 150 students-volunteers, teachers, scientists and entrepreneurs. 

The key idea of the city is dedicated to domestic motor car construction. In addition to traditional partners of Nanograd, including portfolio companies of RUSNANO: “Optogan”, “Nanolek” and “Hevel”, partners of the city became manufacturers of automotive components, including “Tolyattisintez”, “Volga Machine-Building Plant” and “Lada-Flekt”. Each organization will present real business cases which will be decided by Nanograd’s residents. Ideas, born by students during the work of apprenticeship sites, are planned to use in further work of the companies. This year a significant part of cases is associated with the market launch of new high-tech products.

Traditionally, the Academy of NANOGRAD will work in the city, where schoolchildren and adults choose their own educational route, including lectures, workshops, participation in discussions, roundtables and business games. Among the teachers of the Academy will be CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko, who will hold a master class, as well as will present a case, developed by resident of the Technopark - company “HimArt”.

We would remind you that the Summer School “Nanograd” is an annual central event of the program “School League of RUSNANO”. One of the main objectives of Nanograd is immersing children in the business environment by solving real cases of Russian nanotechnology companies. To participate in the Summer School during the year there are being selected the winners of various contests and competitions from more than 100 Russian schools, entering in the network of the League. In 2011 the Summer School “Nanograd” took place in Penza, in 2012 - in Kazan, in 2013 - in the Moscow region.

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