23 july 2014

Annual costs of some large companies on the promotion in social networks approached to 20 million rubles. What does startup that cannot afford even a twentieth of that amount? Specialists of the Interium agency studied the behavior of companies in the Internet, some of which were residents of “Skolkovo”. Here are eight tips that they formulated on the basis of the studied achievements and mistakes:

The goal

Decide, what do you expect from the networks: growth of transfers, direct sales, building a reputation of an expert or all at once? It is important to determine what and how often you will write and why visitors should you read. Try to identify the problem facing your target audience, and talk about your product or service as the solution. For example, a company engaged in robotics, can put a video on how to make improvised elementary robot.

Do not overdo it in the pursuit of creativity. Content must comply with the previously set goal.

The number of “useful” and entertainment content and information about the company should be approximately equal. 

The uniqueness

Content should be unique and original. Do not reprint press releases from your site. Better tell how fine an expert you managed to meet and attach photo sharing.

If a startup manufactures innovative product, explain how it will change the life of the customer. If parts for prototype plasma screen delivered by sea, show the process of loading at the port and follow the movement in your posts.

The leader

“Leader of the Pack” should actively participate in social networks. Add in friends of competitors and potential customers and subscribe to their updates. Try to match the age and status. Better not to ask questions that will give you not versed in business man, but to ask for advice on matters in which you are not an expert, just do not be ashamed.

You need to write about the goals and achievements, even small ones. This will attract the attention of investors. The problems are not worth telling.

Startup often finds investor due to the charisma of a manager. In addition to the “selfi” from events, remember climbing in the Himalayas with the startup’s flag or participation in rally racing.

Do not bother

Many users have already blocked feed low-grade content, so that only three posts a day. Give users time to evaluate content and share it with others. Try to catch the subscriber by the first sentence. The Internet has “7 seconds rule”: if you have missed, the reader will go to another page.

Not only about yourself

Many panic afraid to write about competitors. This error can cost you dearly — PR of yourself in social networks disappoints the audience.

Put in your community link to a competitor’s research. Admit that they did a good job.

Let subscribers know about it from you and see that you are not afraid to talk about other people's achievements. Information “clip” will create the feeling that you are unsure of yourself or, conversely, too self-confident. Congratulate your colleagues with awards and victories in competitions. And even better - make sharing photos with the winner. The competitor can always become a partner, customer or contractor.

Working with negative

Ignoring and deleting critical comments can inflict even greater harm to reputation than the comment. If you were accused of producing defective products, you need to immediately answer based on facts rather than emotions. If you keep silent, the network will be spread rumors and speculation. Also you need to politely respond to readers noticed the grammatical or factual errors in the posts and recriminations in a low-quality content. Thank user for the observation and correct the mistake. If you believe that everything is in order, ask what exactly he is outraged.

Categorically unacceptable to argue, criticize, make excuses, ignore the questions and requests from subscribers.

The flukes

Sometimes flukes occur in social networks that help project “shoot”. One such gift was a manufacturer of tourist equipment. Employees of the company went on an expedition and actually held a test drive of their products. Travel photos they posted in social networks. The number of reposts increased several times. This happens infrequently, but even if this happens, do not lose your head. If you stop to post interesting content, you will be quickly forgotten.

The patience

The effect of the work in social networks will be no earlier than six months. Several thousand subscribers say that you are a “leader of opinions” or, at least, an interesting person. Thematic communities have at times more subscribers, but mass are not important. It is more important to form a loyal audience.

And look at the statistics. If within six months figures are not growing, it is time to change the strategy. 


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