31 july 2014

In February 2014, Technopark “Idea” has summed up the results of 10 years of work. More than 400 new companies and more than 7,000 new jobs were being created in its territory for 10 years. In Technopark aspiring entrepreneurs study the experience of the previous companies, and in the future continue to cooperate with them and outside Technopark. One such example is the interaction between a company PLCGROUP, come from of Technopark “Idea”, and graduates of the Youth Innovative Creativity Center (YICC “Idea).

PLCGROUP has been designing and manufacturing technological equipment for the preparation of oil and gas for transportation to enterprises of the far north, the development of systems and units for gas, oil and support the full cycle from manufacturing to commissioning, process control systems, and other process equipment. PLCGROUP equipment is used at the enterprises of OJSC “Gazprom” and OJSC “Novatek”.

The company acquired 3D printer Nova from the graduates of YICC.

The first 3D printer Nova was developed in the Youth Innovative Creativity Center in spring of 2013. Work on the new model was being carried out during 5 months: a team of schoolchildren and students was studying the previous models, and was discussing with experts and users the advantages and disadvantages of existing 3D printers. YICC students have created their own model, consisting mainly of Russian components, but most of the products and parts were made at the first prototype of 3D printer.

3D printer Nova is differed high quality and printing speed of parts and components, low cost of printing, as well as the simplicity and ease of use.

Employees of the company PLCGROUP acquired 3D printer Nova to create models of equipment and demonstrate projects to end customers. Now we are working to improve the print quality, especially in the context of complex geometry models of technological equipment. Perhaps, in the future 3D printer Nova also will be purchased, but most likely it will be printers with greater working surface than the present.

According to the head of the company Ennova Iskander Mukhamedyarov, today about 70 printers have been sold and on the 4th quarter, according to signed contracts, is expected to make printers on the same amount.

“Thus, we become the second manufacturer in Russia. In addition, there are orders for printers that will create objects the size of a car, 1 to 1”, - said Iskander Mukhamedyarov.

The plans of new entrepreneurs are to create photopolymer printers and printers for printing on metal. “Now we are developing the idea to develop our own prostheses: being on the Lake Seliger, we have repeatedly communicated with Nigel Èklend (the man with the most advanced prosthetic hand in the world). He highly appreciated our work both in the field of 3D printing, and prosthetics”, - said Iskander.

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